Rick Creamer: Owner of Rick’s Pub Crawl
Rick Creamer
Rick Creamer was born on the Gold Coast in Queensland, although his family moved to Victoria when he was still a child. He grew up inside the Geelong region. Rick has worked inside the hospitality industry since the age of 15, starting as a dishwasher as well as working his way up to management positions in restaurants as well as hotels. Rick has owned a marketing company based in Australia as well as he’s a fully qualified hospitality trainer. In 2005, Rick set up the first pub crawl in Indonesia since the Peanuts Pub Crawl inside the late ‘80s as well as ‘90s.
When was your first visit to Bali as well as why did you visit at of which time?
I received a trip to Bali as a gift on my 18th birthday. However, the 2002 Bali bombings happened. We were due to fly to Bali the following weekend, although the Australian government cancelled all flights so we went to Penang instead. We came back to Bali six months later because my mother wanted to show my sister as well as I the island.
Why did you decide to live as well as work in Bali?
I lived in Bali in 2005 for 18 months while managing a little pub in Legian called Ye Olde Foo-Kin Pub. the item has since been torn down. I also started off a smaller pub crawl at the time, called The Foo-Kin Pub Crawl, which took groups of eight to 12 people around to the local venues inside the area. the item was very successful. When I decided to leave, I always knew I would likely be back to give the item another go. as well as of which’s exactly what happened after I returned in 2012.
What will be Rick’s Pub Crawl all about?
Rick’s Pub Crawl will be the best way to get your night started off in Bali. With several of Bali’s hottest venues on our party map you are guaranteed to have an awesome time! Participants are guided by our own crew along with private security via venue to venue to make sure you are safe as well as most importantly, having a great time as well as meeting fresh people. A lot of the venues, guests would likely not normally visit, so the item will be a great way to educate them about the different options available in Bali for a night out.
Why do you call the item “The Official Pub Crawl”?
Rick’s Pub Crawl will be the only organized pub crawl in Indonesia. There are no additional party tours like us. Some have tried to open although they have not survived for very long. We trademarked the name Rick’s Pub Crawl as well as our slogan, “Can You Survive…?” so no one can try as well as trade on our success as happened once back in 2006. of which competing pub crawl will be no longer around.
Where as well as at what time does the item start?
We meet at Eikon Bar on Jl. Legian Kuta every Tuesday, Wednesday as well as Thursday nights. Rick’s Pub Crawl starts at 8pm, although because traffic can be bad around Kuta we don’t definitely expect people to arrive until 8.15-8.30pm. the item’s important to be on time as the item gives the group time to get to know each additional as well as build friendships of which will develop even more during the course of the evening. Every guest receives an official whistle, shot glass as well as special Rick’s Pub Crawl t-shirt of which he or she has to wear while on the pub crawl. of which allows us to know who they are at all times.
How do you get via pub to pub?
Rick’s Pub Crawl will be a walking as well as party bus tour. Fully trained professional party hosts will guide you via club to club. You don’t need to worry about a thing. We take care of the item all for you. Staff are positioned along the paths to make sure you are guided via club to club in a fun as well as safe manner. We are here to help you enjoy yourself.
Rick’s Pub Crawl
What are pub crawl participants allowed to do in Bali of which they would likely not be able to do in, say, Australia?
As liquor licensing laws here in Bali are a lot more relaxed than in Australia, we are allowed to do a lot more than we could there. although we are playing by the rules at all times as well as using our knowledge of the rules as well as regulations to create a fun, safe as well as entertaining night out. Our guests’ safety will be our main concern on each as well as every pub crawl, so we quickly bring people back into line if things start to get carried away.
How long do participants stay at each venue?
Approximately 45-50 minutes; plenty of time to engage inside the Rick’s Pub Crawl drink specials as well as bust out on the dance floor.
Are the drinks free?
No. Guests must still pay for their drinks inside the venues we visit. The shots of which we do provide are included inside the ticket cost. We have a set amount of bottles of which we provide each night as well as once they run out, of which’s the item. We do not encourage guests to become too intoxicated, as of which would likely be no fun for anyone. If we feel the guests are becoming too drunk, then we will slow down the service of shots, stop them completely or we will leave the venue. We work with our venue partners in order not to cause any damage or create a bad reputation. We want our guests to remember the night free of any issues or injuries.
Are drinks watered down or are they served full strength?
The shots of which we provide are a mixture of 9 Vodka, which we buy via Bali Moon, flavoured syrup as well as filtered water mixed at a ratio of 1/5 vodka to 4/5 syrup as well as water. We tell all our guests what will be inside the shots when they arrive. We don’t substitute the vodka for anything else. If our guests do not want to drink the shots we do not force them to.
What safety measures do you have in place to prevent mishaps?
As we cap the number of guests we take each night to 50, the item allows us to have a great staff to guest ratio; 1:5 (including security). First of all, RPC visits only safe alcohol venues, a very big issue in Bali at the moment. All staff members are fully trained in first aid. As we know which route we take each night, we always go out beforehand inside the afternoon to look for any hazards along the path. When crossing roads, we utilize staff as well as security to stop traffic to allow the guests to walk across safely.
What will be the highlight of the evening?
For most, the main highlights are the party buses as well as the drag queen bar.
For more information on Rick’s Pub Crawl, visit: www.rickspubcrawl.com, www.facebook.com/rickspubcrawl, or read the reviews on Trip Advisor.
Rick Creamer: Owner of Rick’s Pub Crawl
Rick Creamer: Owner of Rick’s Pub Crawl