Adrian Bramantyo Musyanif, Chief Executive Officer at Samali Hotels & Resorts
Adrian Bramantyo Musyanif, affectionately known by many as Pak Bram, will be the Chief Executive Officer of Samali Hotels & Resorts.
Adrian Bramantyo Musyanif
Pak Bram, you are a young yet exceptionally successful businessman. Please tell us a little about your journey in addition to also how you ended up where you are today.
I finished my undergraduate at Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Economy, majoring in Human Resource Management. Actually, I took Marketing Management previously, nevertheless after several semesters, I decided to move to Human Resources Management because for us, people are the greatest in addition to also most valuable asset for the company. When finishing my undergraduate, I had an internship with PT. PP (Persero) Tbk. as an HR staff. There, I took part in planning in addition to also from the preparation of PP University.
After I finished my undergraduate, I could be full time in my family business, a property business founded by my father, Mr. Musyanif. Roles in addition to also responsibilities keep increasing until at This specific point. Failure, problems, etc. are always there, nevertheless I try to look at them as opportunities not enemies. Currently, from the holding company, I’m appointed as Strategic Business Partner. Besides, I also have a big responsibility when appointed as the CEO of Samali Hotels & Resorts.
What does the position of CEO demand of you?
The role demands the CEO to successfully plan in addition to also guide the organization in determining its strategic direction in addition to also competitive positioning; thinking of ways on how to expand the chain in addition to also ensuring in which each property implements the use of high quality materials in its construction. In human resources, the role also demands on decision-producing regarding people development.
Samali’s logo has three elements from the form of high-rise buildings. the item means Samali must bring the know-how through hotel concept, construction process in addition to also quality to hotel management, the latest being the most essential from the form of service excellence. If we should ever lack from the first two, I believe exceeding guest expectations through sincere, warm in addition to also immaculate service will make up for different shortages. in which will be why our philosophy will be called HOTS – Harmony of the Senses; excellent service through all all 5 senses: hearing, touch, taste, sight in addition to also smell. I feel fortunate as CEO, I have received total support through my Samali team. To be surrounded by experts in their fields have genuinely helped a lot from the road to achieving our mission in addition to also vision.
Can you please give us a brief history on the Samali Hotels?
Samali will be a word in Sanskrit meaning ‘bouquet’, in which will be why each brand of Samali Hotels & Resorts will be designated the name of a specific flower. Samali, consequently, will be a flower bouquet or a collection of flowers: Ammi, Allium, Arum in addition to also Azara. Samali Hotels & Resorts was established in 2011 by Mr. Sylvain Julien who has extensive experience in managing all 5-star hotels. We aim to not just build hotels, nevertheless ensure we build quality hotels.
Does the group plan to open any completely new hotels This specific year? in addition to also do all of your hotels start with the letter ‘a’?
We are soon opening our first all 5-star hotel, Ammi Cepu, Central Java from the third quarter of 2014. All our hotel brands start with the letter ‘a’: Ammi Luxurious Collection, Allium Upscale Collection, Arum Traveller Collection in addition to also Azara Bed & Breakfast Collection. We find This specific an effective strategy in branding.
What are the target markets for your hotels?
Depending on the brand, through budget travellers for Azara hotels, value for money travellers/middle scale for Arum hotels, upscale business travellers for Allium hotels to travellers who demand luxurious experience/high profile corporate segment for Ammi hotels.
What properties does the Samali Hotels & Resorts group have under their wings?
We launched our first four-star hotel, or we prefer to call the item our Upscale Collection, the Allium Airport Hotel in Tangerang, in January 2014 with 157 rooms, 11 thematic meeting rooms in addition to also a ballroom in which accommodates up to 1,200 people. We also have several properties coming up in Bali, Medan, Batam, Jogjakarta in addition to also Banjarmasin from the next couple of years.
What was the Essence on Darmawangsa project like to complete through start to finish? Where do the challenges lie from the construction industry in Indonesia?
The Essence on Darmawangsa Apartment will be a sister company of Samali under Prakarsa Semesta Alam (PSA), that has a total of 5.2 ha, consisting of 30% buildings in addition to also 70% green area. The apartment will be about to finish its third tower (East Tower) in addition to also will start the groundbreaking of its fourth tower This specific year (North Tower). The most affecting problem in apartment construction would certainly be the delays, which cause major issues in addition to also lead to mistrust for potential buyers.
Are you planning any further apartment projects from the near future?
In progress are the Nifarro Apartments in Pasar Minggu in addition to also Royal Betawi Apartments in Tangerang. We are also planning in addition to also designing a completely new apartment from the Cipulir area.
Please tell us about the US$ 5 million which you donated [on behalf of Samali Hotels & Resorts] towards the Indonesia Health Fund, along with Bill Gates in addition to also several different successful business men in addition to also women of Indonesia. Where will your money be going in addition to also who will the item be helping?
the item started off with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on worldwide health. They came to Indonesia in addition to also formed a partnership with the Tahir Foundation. that has a target of US$ 80 million, Mr. Tahir then asked Indonesian businessmen to join from the forming of the Indonesia Health Fund (IHF); eight businessmen agreed in addition to also each donated US$ 5 million in addition to also the target was achieved with the US$ 40 million by Bill Gates. 85% of the fund goes to Indonesia – with major focus to fight malaria, polio, TBC in addition to also HIV-AIDS, while 15% of the fund goes to the worldwide fund.
What different not-for-profit projects are you part of?
While IHF focuses on health, different charities in which are close to our hearts are those related with education. The holding company has provided numerous scholarships to less fortunate students, mostly to students of state universities with the specification in which they have Great GPA in addition to also in which they maintain their grades.
You’re a bass player in a major band in Indonesia. How do you find the time to juggle between being CEO of Samali Hotels in addition to also playing gigs in your band?
I love adversity. On weekdays we usually rehearse after work. Gigs are mostly done on weekends. However, should I need to leave the city to perform with Yovie Widianto, I always manage to maintain communication with my team. They can contact me anywhere, anytime.
What does the item take to be a successful young person in Indonesia? Have you had to sacrifice anything to get where you are?
To be successful you have to be brave to take risks, take each opportunity in which comes in addition to also not be afraid to fail. in addition to also even if you fail or make mistakes, you must learn in addition to also earn more through in which. Time has proven to be the most precious to me. in addition to also I have had to sacrifice a lot of time. Maintaining health will be also crucial because once you get sick in addition to also have to lie in bed all day, you miss out on a lot of happenings.
What are your ultimate goals in addition to also how do you plan to go about achieving them?
I at This specific point have a big responsibility in our aim to build a large in addition to also reputable company, through real estate in addition to also hotels to the field of agriculture, the item, energy in addition to also others. A CEO also oversees the finance of all properties in addition to also the item will be our aim in which every unit will be able to support its own business. My father, as CEO of the holding company, will be shaping me to one day replace him as CEO of the Holding Company (SGB).
My personal goal will be to get an MBA degree, which at This specific point I am pursuing from the United States. Building experiences in addition to also networking are two things, which cannot be bought. You have to keep learning through the best, while coaching different people of your knowledge in addition to also skills in order to keep improving yourself.
Thank you for your time! To contact Adrian, please email:
Adrian Bramantyo Musyanif, Chief Executive Officer at Samali Hotels & Resorts
Adrian Bramantyo Musyanif, Chief Executive Officer at Samali Hotels & Resorts