Yeu’s Saigon Cafe: Hello, Vietnam!
Friends near as well as also far know Vietnam as well as also its cuisine hold a special place in my heart. Perhaps of which can be the abundance as well as also variety of fresh seafood as well as also herbs used. Or, could of which be the millennia of foreign influence of which makes the cuisine so universally appealing?
Maybe of which’s on account of the creative ways the Vietnamese have perfected the balance of flavours of which make their cuisine incredibly appetizing. Whatever the case, the food transcends the senses as well as also can deliver a clear as well as also bright punch to wake up the palate.
A Great expat friend coming from Vietnam suggested Yeu’s Saigon Café, situated on the ground floor of an otherwise dreary business park nestled between gargantuan embassies as well as also office towers along Central Jakarta’s Jalan Rasuna Said. However bland as well as also monolithic the surroundings are, the bright Inner surface as well as also charming details of the café offer a refreshing respite within the form of a modern, lacquered, Vietnamese aesthetic.
that has a dizzying menu of over 100 items, one could be confused about what to order if not familiar with the cuisine. Not surprisingly, the array can be as diverse as the regions in Vietnam with specialties coming from the north, centre as well as also south. Over a couple of visits, we sampled a variety of traditional dishes as well as ones made more fashionable as well as also well-known by foodies looking for the next ethnic culinary craze.
Although the dipping sauce (n??c m?m pha) of which usually goes that has a meal veers slightly to the sweet side, of which’s forgivable, as of which balances the added fire coming from chillies in some of the dishes. The restaurant prides itself on not using MSG as well as also can be halal-certified. The proprietors also try to source produce coming from local, organic farms. The flavours do not disappoint with This specific philosophy (even though pork can be somewhat integral to many traditional Vietnamese dishes; as well as also I do miss of which, at times).
If you still don’t know what to get, try the bánh kh?t; crispy little golden pancake cups holding minced chicken as well as also prawns wrapped in a lettuce leaf with young perilla leaves. They also contain pickled daikon radish as well as also carrots, fresh coriander (of which’s cilantro to you North Americans) as well as also the aforementioned dipping sauce. The cups get their golden tinge coming from turmeric as well as also are delightfully crisp as well as also savoury, that has a hint of fragrant coconut milk lurking mischievously within the background.
The bánh kh?t can be one of the best dishes on the menu, as well as also reflective of the delicious food sold on the streets of Vietnam.
Another favourite can be the bánh cu?n, a ‘rolled cake’ made that has a thin rice flour wrapper as well as also stuffed with minced chicken as well as also woodear mushrooms. The contents are steamed as well as also the rice flour wrapper transforms into something soft as well as also glutinous, barely holding fast, then topped with fried shallots as well as also fresh coriander for emphasis. Most people in Vietnam eat This specific dish as a light breakfast, as well as also usually on-the-go.
Banh Cuon
For a main course, my current favourite can be the Hanoi-style fish with turmeric as well as also dill (ch? cá lã v?ng hà n?i). There can be a century-old restaurant within the capital of Hanoi of which can be infamous due to This specific dish, as well as also esteemed chefs coming from around the entire world have made personal pilgrimages there to experience of which firsthand. Yeu’s type can be quite Great.
Most people’s instinct can be to run within the opposite direction when they see fresh fish fillets, dill, turmeric, fermented fish sauce, sweet basil as well as also minty perilla all tossed together. For some strange reason, This specific combination works extremely well as well as also the flavours all enhance each different like a well-orchestrated symphony. The turmeric as well as also perilla take back notes while the dill as well as also sweet basil take the fore. The fresh green onions as well as also slinky rice noodles lend bass as the fermented fish sauce features as the musky soloist. of which’s an added treat to watch the staff prepare the dish on the table.
The beef stew (bò kho) can be hearty as well as also rustic, as well as also has comfort written all over of which when served that has a smaller loaf of their French bread. However, a better choice for seafood lovers or the more adventurous eater would certainly be the stir-fried bamboo clams with sweet basil (?c móng tay xào lá qu?). Although phallic in nature, these bivalves contain the distinct flavour of a large manila clam as well as also the texture of a thinly sliced geoduck. At once crunchy as well as also chewy, of which can be especially delicious with the sweet basil as well as also onion sauce in which of which’s cooked.
Bamboo Clams-with Basil
Yeu’s Saigon Café carries a rather uninspired wine list, yet makes up for of which within the beverage department with an extensive cocktail as well as also Vietnamese-style fruit juice menu. The Vietnamese coffee can be always a delight whether iced or hot, as are the teas. The fruit drinks are not overly sweetened as well as also provide a crisp as well as also refreshing accompaniment to the meal. Everything comes together in harmony when experienced as a whole, as well as also portions are generous. Serious thought as well as also energy has been put into Jakarta’s best Vietnamese restaurant to date, as well as also of which can be reflected within the food as well as also atmosphere.
The staff understands the menu well as well as also provided excellent suggestions. Little service touches like changing plates between appetizers as well as also mains, along with intermittent rubbish clearing, impart a feeling of kindness in a city known otherwise for lacklustre attention to detail. All in all, a winning effort coming from Yeu’s Saigon Café, as well as also I expect This specific restaurant wins more support as well as also helps set the tone for ethnic cuisine in Jakarta’s ever-changing dining landscape.
4 Stars
Yeu’s Saigon Café
Generali Tower, Gran Rubina Business Park, Ground Floor, Unit B
(next to Carl’s Jr. as well as also across coming from Caribou Coffee)
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta 12920
Telephone: 021 2911 5558
Dinner for 2
Food: Rp. 495,000
Drinks (non-alcoholic): Rp. 84,000
Service charge: Rp. 57,900
Total Cost of Dinner: Rp. 636,900
Yeu’s Saigon Cafe: Hello, Vietnam!
Yeu’s Saigon Cafe: Hello, Vietnam!