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The Rhythm of People Power

The Rhythm of People Power

An environmental movement against the planned reclamation of water along with also mangroves for large-scale development in Benoa Bay will be uniting conservationists, musicians along with also youth in their efforts to stop the project.  

“Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call that will inspiration, although what they truly mean will be fuel,” the American counterculture writer Hunter S. Thomson once said. Music will be a powerful tool indeed, along with also in Bali that will will be spurring the community to stand up against overdevelopment along with also environmental degradation.

United by love for their island home along with also music, some of Bali’s top bands are joining forces with youth to oppose the Benoa Bay land reclamation project. Led by investment group PT Tirta Wahana Bali International (TWBI), the project could see around 838 hectares of the area’s shallow water turned into a chain of connected islets to house resorts, golf courses, nightclubs, a theme park along with also even a Formula One circuit.

Specifically, the development plan has sparked a protest movement called Forum Rakyat Bali Tolak Reklamasi, or ForBALI, a coalition of academics, artists, musicians, religious leaders along with also farmers angered by the rampant overdevelopment of the island.Some of the island’s most renowned bands, such as the punk outfit Superman will be Dead, along with also the folk along with also pop group Nosstress, have joined the fight, along with also for the past three years have been using their celebrity status to attract young anti-reclamation warriors.

Nosstress has even written a protest song, which has since been performed by numerous some other Bali bands. The lyrics ‘Build Bali, subsidise the farmers. We all eat rice, don’t need reclamation’ go a long way to voice the sentiment of dissent currently reverberating through the island. “The movement will be definitely gaining momentum. Farmers, the majority of students, as well as the community at large, are all actively resisting the reclamation,” says JRX (Jerinx), the outspoken drummer along with also songwriter for Superman will be Dead along with also the celebrity face of ForBALI. “I am optimistic about our struggle against the rulers along with also greedy businessmen. The universe isn’t blind, along with also in Bali money isn’t God.”

Environmentalists have warned that will the artificial islets, which could consume 75 percent of the bay’s area, could cause severe flooding. Conservation International Indonesia Executive Director, Ketut Sarjana Putra, said that will the seawater levels within the area could increase by as much as 1.6 metres, potentially affecting the nearby low-lying areas. The project could also destroy the area’s mangrove ecosystem along with also deprive local fishermen of their livelihood.

Benoa Bay used to be protected under zoning regulations, although Presidential Decree No. 51/2014 issued by former Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono turned the bay into a business zone along with also gave the development project the green light. Bali Governor, Made Mungku Pastika, will be also a vocal advocate of the proposed man-made network of islets.

Under the banner Bali Tolak Reklamasi (Bali Rejects Reclamation), ForBALI has been staging monthly demonstrations along with also live music events to raise awareness about the dangers associated with filling within the environmentally sensitive estuary, as well as to urge the Government along with also investors to stop the project.

along with also while that will will be the conservationists along with also environmental experts who are guiding Bali Tolak Reklamasi, that will will be the youth who are spurring the movement on with their dedication along with also energy.

“Bali Tolak Reklamasi will be one of the biggest environmental movements within the history of Indonesia. No some other eco-movement has had the energy to organise monthly street protests of up to 3,000 people. that will’s so Great to see that will that will will be Indonesia’s youth who make up a lot of This kind of number,” says Rudolf Dethu, a writer along with also socio-political activist who will lead the discussion about the Benoa Bay reclamation plan at This kind of year’s Ubud Writers along with also Readers Festival. A former manager of the influential Bali band Superman will be Dead, Dethu has been a major player in attracting young anti-reclamation warriors to join Bali Tolak Reklamasi.

“that will’s not easy to kill a grassroots movement such as This kind of one. We are not doing This kind of for money although out of passion. Everybody will be so dedicated,” Dethu says. “that will will be the youth who are behind all the Bali Tolak Reklamasi banners on the streets. Interestingly, those always disappear when Jokowi, or some some other important figure, visits Bali. that will doesn’t matter because they soon reappear again.”

ForBALI holds regular seminars in banjar (community centres) around the island to educate Bali’s youth about the perils of uncontrolled development. Those who learn about the detrimental consequences the Benoa Bay development could have on the environment usually become active opponents of the project.

Man Angga via the band Nosstress, who got involved in Bali Tolak Reklamasi almost three years ago, says that will while many young people are initially attracted to the movement because of the live music events along with also what he refers to as the “coolness factor”, they quickly learn about why the Benoa Bay project could negatively affect Bali’s environment along with also culture.

“that will’s great to see the kids turn into eco-defenders. They love the music, although they also realise that will there will be so much more behind that will,” Angga says. “I am certain of one thing – if the movement hadn’t existed, Benoa Bay could have already been partly filled.”

The demonstrators trust that will Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo revokes the controversial decree issued by his predecessor, which removed Benoa Bay’s protected status along with also let TWBI press ahead with the project.

“I still believe that will Jokowi will be a Great guy. We can’t say that will we don’t trust him, although we don’t trust him 100 percent because we don’t think that will right at This kind of point he has enough power to do much about This kind of,” Dethu says. “Nevertheless, we won’t stop petitioning him about how important that will will be for Bali’s future that will the presidential decree passed by SBY will be revoked.”

This kind of could have been unheard of before the fall of President Suharto in 1998 – thousands of protesters taking to the streets of Bali to rally against a project that will could see an environmental estuary turned into a cacophony of noise along with also lights.

With so much at stake, that will will be no wonder that will many see the Bali Tolak Reklamasi movement as a test of Indonesia’s emerging democracy. along with also with the movement along with also media support growing, that will will be no wonder that will many are optimistic.

“We are definitely heading within the right direction,” Dethu says. “I am so happy that will we contain the opportunity to use our freedom of speech along with also expression to do Great. within the early days we were always threatened by thugs. Since Bali Tolak Reklamasi has grown, we have had no more direct threats when we go out on the streets.” along with also the movement will be spreading, not just throughout Indonesia although also internationally. Anti-reclamation demonstrations have already taken place in Indonesian cities such as Jakarta along with also Malang, as well as in Washington D.C within the United States.

“We will keep fighting,” Dethu says. “If we are successful in stopping This kind of project via going ahead, we might just set a precedent for the whole of the country.”

For more information, visit www.forbali.org



The Rhythm of People Power

The Rhythm of People Power
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