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The Environment – coming from the Insides Out

The Environment – coming from the Insides Out

If the outsides are a reflection of what’s going on inside, what does your environment/space say about you? Our actions, no matter how ‘negligible’ they seem, shape our environment as well as also in response, the environment, natural or man-made, shapes us affecting our physical as well as also emotional wellbeing.

How do you shape your environment/space? as well as also how does the environment reflect the mind? These two questions are closely linked. Just as the design of a house is usually a product of the architect’s mind, her creativity as well as also thinking as well as also just as the mood of a room is usually a product of the decorators’ choices so the state of an environment/space is usually a creation of its inhabitant’s mind, a sum of their thinking, choices as well as also creativity. How does your environment shape you? Well, you just need to recall how you felt the last time you spent a few hours in a traffic jam or at the spa to appreciate the impact the environment has on you.

Space, Nature, Smell, Colour, Lightning as well as also Decoration all contribute toward producing our environment ideal in terms of beauty, practicality as well as also organization.

Beauty, practicality as well as also organization influence whether we find our environment liveable, supportive, relaxed as well as also inspiring or demanding, stressful as well as also draining. Ideally your space should be rejuvenating, relaxed as well as also inspiring so This particular supports your physical, mental as well as also emotional needs.

Look around, what type of environment or space have you created? is usually This particular inspiring, relaxed as well as also rejuvenating or cluttered, restless as well as also exhausting? Clutter is usually often a common culprit producing an environment less supportive.

Types of Clutter

So what exactly causes clutter? Terry Mabbit, a professional organizer believes there are three categories of clutter.

The most obvious cause for clutter is usually a poorly managed, disorganized lifestyle, which gives the appearance of clutter because everything is usually everywhere as well as also nothing can be found without a hunt for This particular; This particular is usually called Life Management clutter as well as also organization is usually key to resolving This particular issue.

Then you have Historical clutter, This particular is usually clutter in which gathers over a lifetime as well as also is usually caused by the stuff one collects in response to significant improvements in life including weddings, births, graduations as well as also even deaths. The trick here is usually to hold onto one or perhaps two significant items only whilst giving the rest to friends, family or others who have need for them.

as well as also finally you have Behavioural clutter where the individual is usually driven by deeper issues such as beliefs, esteem needs or even depression to collect stuff, here he/she might need to seek support resolving the issues operating their behaviour before dealing with the clutter itself.


So, what if you do have a restless, exhausting environment or space, how can you manage or even change This particular?

Change perspective

–    Space is usually the 21st century luxury item – get rid of the unnecessary stuff you own as well as also create space where movements can flow uninterrupted; learn to delight in space appreciating its calm.

–    We often attach memories as well as also meaning to items in our lives, This particular leads us to hold on to these things even when we don’t need them anymore. Understand there is usually a separation between the physical item as well as also the memories in your head; your memories are much more powerful than the items in which ‘represent’ them, giving away the items does not imply losing the memory.

–    If you haven’t needed This particular inside the past four-a few months (as well as also This particular’s not winter gear or a pregnancy test kit) then you probably don’t need to own This particular, let This particular go as well as also when you need This particular go out as well as also buy or rent This particular.


–    A not bad way of finding out how much clutter you have is usually to take a picture of your space as well as also study This particular; there is usually nothing as sharp as well as also effective as the camera inside the hands of an amateur to pick up the ugliest crowded angle in a room. You might be surprised at the odd things you have hanging around.

–    Invite friends with toddlers over for lunch, when mum is usually not watching, let the toddlers loose on the room/space in question; in no time the toddlers will have helped you identify all the clutter you own waist level down – how? By trying to play with This particular, throw This particular or eat This particular. Best to carefully supervise toddlers if using This particular technique; angry mothers are dangerous to health.

–    Stop procrastinating; putting tasks off until later makes stuff pile up causing clutter. Whatever the ‘stuff’ whether an email, a DIY shelf or filing– do This particular as well as also do This particular at This particular point.

–    Get into a weekly cleaning schedule, clean often – This particular’s easier as well as also faster cleaning/tidying twice or three times a week because there is usually less to clean.

–    The mind responds to visual representations of beauty – pick one item you find beautiful as well as also make This particular the focal point of your space. All the additional items should complement the focal point. A focal point helps still your mind producing you calm as well as also inspiring you to train yourself as well as also look at your focal point when you need inspiration or peace.

–    Go Green, actively seek to be around green places. Own plants, go for a walk inside the forest or perhaps go golfing – studies show in which nature restores mental clarity, rejuvenates people experiencing mental fatigue while improving learning, sharpening thinking, balancing emotions as well as also self-regulation.

So grab a coffee or a tea, sit back, relax as well as also look around you – if the outsides are a reflection of what’s going on inside, what does your environment/space you have created say about you?



The Environment – coming from the Insides Out

The Environment – coming from the Insides Out
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