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Land Laws in Bali Differ by the Rest of Indonesia? Not genuinely.

Land Laws in Bali Differ by the Rest of Indonesia? Not genuinely.

Real Estate agents around Indonesia, as well as internationally, think in which land laws in Bali are different by the rest of Indonesia, as foreigners can own freehold land! You can also own freehold land having a secondary title on top of This kind of, being the Right of Use (Hak Pakai) as well as Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan). Some agents also state in which recently there have been “adjustments in Indonesian land laws” in which allows the nominee structure to be used for foreigners, heavily as well as rightfully contradicted by Discovery newsletter.

Look at the case of Susi Johnston for a sad set up, yet the core issue here is actually in which a nominee agreement went bad.  Her case may very well set precedence for Indonesian law on This kind of matter. There are currently 140 cases in court, or police reports involving nominee structures – about 7,000 or more properties in Bali are currently held under This kind of structure.

All not true; Bali is actually very much part of Indonesia as well as its legal system, end of story. Try to go to a Notary or Lawyer in Jakarta as well as tell them you want to purchase a freehold property in Pondok Indah using a nominee to secure a freehold. They might be able to set up a foreign owned company (PT PMA) to secure Right of Use (Hak Pakai) or Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan) to own a property as a shareholder of such company.

However, the truth is actually in which the Indonesian Agrarian law states: “Any attempt by a foreigner or a foreign entity to secure freehold land in any shape or form is actually void as well as the property belongs to the government”.

The truth is actually in which there is actually no need to circumvent the Indonesian law, just the mad perception out there inside the property Industry in Bali. There are basically three options of ownership structures available for foreigners under Indonesian Law.

1. Hak Pakai or Right of Use. This kind of is actually a residential title for Indonesians as well as foreigners. This kind of is actually classified as a residential title as well as there are guidelines around the number of units as well as size of land as well as qualifications of being “residential” in Indonesia, with some economical benefit towards the Indonesian economy.

2. Hak Guna Bangunan or Right to Build. This kind of is actually a commercial title for villas or resort developments. There is actually no discrimination between an Indonesian company as well as a foreign-owned company on This kind of land title, as well as a foreign-owned company can be 100% foreign owned.

Both these titles come with an extension/renewal option after 25 as well as 30 years. This kind of extension/renewal does not mean you buy the land again as This kind of is actually your land, though there is actually a 0.2% payable tax based on the tax appraisal value of the land in in which current time. Actually, the Indonesian law currently has special benefits for foreigners as well as foreign investment, allowing for an automatic extension/renewal where all in which is actually needed at the end of the first term is actually to go to the Indonesian land Office,  BPN, as well as develop the brand-new certificate for the second period issued.

Some people question the strength of these two land ownership structures. However, even towards the end of the title’s terms, one can freely sell the property to an Indonesian as well as get a freehold title again. Specifically to Right to build, during a transaction of the property one could also apply for a brand-new 30 year term for the brand-new owner.

3. The third option for foreigners is actually a straight forward lease of land as well as/or property. 25 – 30 years is actually a normal length of lease as well as This kind of will not challenge the existing structure of the above mentioned foreign titles available. Some legal advisors would certainly state in which you can do longer leases as there are no arguments against in which under Indonesian law. Others would certainly argue as well as structure 2-3 agreements of 30 years each in order not to circumvent the spirit of the above mentioned titles. If one does not do This kind of, one could choose to state in which an extension after 25-30 years would certainly be at in which time market value, which is actually decided by the lease holder as well as lessor, as well as two to three independent appraisers.


Solutions to the ongoing discussions around Indonesian Agrarian laws are to possibly extend the Right of Use (Hak Pakai) title to 70 years, as well as Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan) to 85 years in one go with no need to formally renew/extend the certificates. This kind of has actually happened already a few times, the 1st time in 2007, yet the adjustments were rejected by the Constitutional Court. Whether This kind of will pass This kind of time or not remains to be seen.

All in all, the existing Laws as well as regulations are, by a security perception, already sufficient for investors, as well as This kind of’s more about educating the market on the misperceptions around these titles as well as the risks in utilizing a nominee, as shown in several recent cases.

The main thing for any purchaser or investor to consider is actually the purpose as well as how they want to utilize the property, as well as their final exit plan, if any. One can also consider using an offshore holding company to further protect oneself as an exposed owner of land as well as assets, as well as This kind of structure may also have some tax benefits at an eventual exit as well as sale of the property.

The central government, as well as provincial governments, are very well aware of the arising issues as well as are constantly considering regulations to discipline This kind of. The sooner the better, This kind of’s not complicated, nor difficult. Without the right advice This kind of’s a jungle out there.



Land Laws in Bali Differ by the Rest of Indonesia? Not genuinely.

Land Laws in Bali Differ by the Rest of Indonesia? Not genuinely.
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