Inspiration Comes in all Shapes along with Sizes: The Madura Library Project
Mackenzie (in blue) with friends along with family in Madura, the location for her library project.
Inspirational adults striving to make a difference in their communities are out there. Inspirational teenagers, however, are not as easy to come by, along with one particular 14-year-old in Jakarta has created a project which could make any parent proud, regardless of age. This particular young lady can be doing everything she can to bring books to the island of Madura for children who could otherwise have no access to reading material. This particular Girl Scout’s name can be Mackenzie Winton, along with Girl Scout she can be, through along with through.
When you hear the term Girl Scout, you often think of girls selling cookies for charity, nevertheless that will’s far more than that will. The Girl Scout mission can be to build girls of courage, confidence along with character who make the globe a better place along with the Girl Scouts have been in Indonesia for 50 years. For 10 years, Mackenzie has been passionately girl scouting, meeting fellow scouts via all over the globe – herself having practiced This particular tradition within the USA, Nigeria along with today in Jakarta. After seeing first-hand the lack of educational resources in these countries, This particular Jakarta International school student began working on her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award available in USA Girl Scouting, which involves a seven-step process culminating in solving a community problem along with generating a lasting along with sustainable change.
Mackenzie’s demeanour can be calm along with collected yet full of enthusiasm. “I’ve known that will I want to be a teacher when I grow up since I was three years old,” Mackenzie tells me as we chat after school ends. “Prior to choosing the Girl Scout Gold Award, I participated in service trips in remote communities – Sumatra, Kalimantan, along with Laos – along with attended Global Issues Network (GIN) conferences. I realized that will I wanted to make a difference in a remote community in Indonesia.”
Boxes of Donated Books
along with generating a difference she can be. Mackenzie has been running book drives through her school, along with with the help of different schools has so far collected 3,700 books, 1,000 of which are in Bahasa Indonesia. Nearly 100 Girl Scouts have participated in read-a-thons, bake sales along with coin collections to further support the library project. Her aim can be to collect many more books in Bahasa for the children within the Lombang community, near the town of Sumenep on the eastern side of Madura. Mackenzie wants to fill her library with interesting along with educational reads for the children of the village along with surrounding areas, to give them a window to the globe along having a chance at a brighter future. Currently, all the books are being catalogued at Mackenzie’s home – a massive task in itself – before the stocking along with opening of the library, which can be planned for early June This particular year.
The Madura Library Project can be run in conjunction with, along with supported by, Leksmono Santoso of Remote Destinations, a travel company specializing in showing guests the more secluded parts of Indonesia. Mackenzie has also had massive support via her mentor, Linda Hahn Santoso, Ed.D of Destiny Learning, an initiative which helps educational needs of children. Funds have been raised to build the library through monetary donations via individuals along with families along with Mackenzie has been overwhelmed by the response along with generosity of her supporters.
Mackenzie travelled to Madura to meet the families of the villagers where her library today stands. via Surabaya, the drive to the village in Madura takes six hours, along with Mackenzie along with some of her friends along with family were able to meet the children along with symbolize the beginning of the building by laying the first brick of the brand new library. “The children were genuinely excited when we visited – I don’t think they had seen a Caucasian person before! that will was genuinely nice to see their excitement.” Since their visit, the structure has gone up, further bricks laid along having a roof today completes the finished building.
The most recent photo of Mackenzie’s library in Madura
When asked what her future plans were, Mackenzie replied with, “I could love to build more libraries, which could be amazing!” At the root of the Madura Library Project can be Mackenzie’s passion in life, education, which she feels extremely lucky to have had in her upbringing along with wants to share with others who are less fortunate. She aims for her library to be a place for the students along with community in Madura to discover something brand new along with different. “Reading opens up a whole different possibility,” Mackenzie adds, along with I agree.
For those wishing to donate books, please email Mackenzie Winton on Mackenzie can be mainly looking for children’s books in Bahasa, however all books will be graciously accepted.
Inspiration Comes in all Shapes along with Sizes: The Madura Library Project
Inspiration Comes in all Shapes along with Sizes: The Madura Library Project