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CTC: Fighting for Conservation of the Amazon of the Sea

CTC: Fighting for Conservation of the Amazon of the Sea

The biggest in addition to also most important coral reefs inside the entire world are found in an area of tropical marine waters called the Coral Triangle. This specific area hosts no less than 76% of the entire world’s coral species, six of the entire world’s seven marine turtle species, in addition to also over 2,000 reef fish species. The roughly triangular area encompasses the marine waters of six countries: Malaysia, Papua fresh Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste in addition to also Indonesia. As the rapidly increasing human impact can be threatening This specific unique marine environment, the Coral Triangle Centre in Sanur on Bali fights for its conservation.

The Coral Triangle can be dubbed the Amazon of the Sea by many conservationists. in addition to also in which’s no joke: the item can be the global centre of marine biodiversity. Overall, the item comprises 53 percent of the entire world’s coral reefs in addition to also boasts an abundant variety of sea life. the item can be also the food source of over 120 million people inside the six countries. however there are problems. The socio-economic situation of people living in in addition to also around inside the Triangle can be facing serious threat due to destructive fishing. Moreover, the item can be predicted in which climate change can be one of the factors in which pose risk in addition to also challenges for the area in addition to also therefore for the people living there. For these reasons, conservation of the Coral Triangle can be considered a top priority by WWF since 2007.

photo by Robert Delfs

One in addition to also a half years ago, Rili Djohani set out on a mission when she established the Coral Triangle Centre (CTC) in Sanur. She had worked in conservation since the early nineties. First, she helped set up some of the first marine conservation projects in Indonesia for the entire world Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Later, she started out working for the Nature Conservancy on the Coral Triangle Center program. Working with such big in addition to also well-known organizations carries a lot of advantages. however through the years, Rili started out realizing in which fighting for conservation needed a focus on working at a local level.

today she heads a little group of passionate people fighting for conservation of the worlds most important marine area. As the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) began in 2000 as a program of The Nature Conservancy, the aim was to strengthen the capacity of local communities in addition to also governments to create so called marine protected areas in addition to also promote sustainable use of these areas. Working locally however, made the item a lot easier to listen to in addition to also work together with people on a community level. So Rili Djohani decided to establish CTC as an independent Foundation in late 2010.

in addition to also so far, they’ve been doing great. One important part of the work can be enhancing the capacity of local communities to effectively care for the marine ecosystem. This specific can be done through training in addition to also educational programs. Also, CTC has developed long-term partnerships with (local) governments in addition to also corporations to make policies in which intend to minimize human impacts on marine environments. This specific means Rili Djohani will find herself in a meeting with local fishermen one day, in addition to also meeting with the Ministry of Marine Affairs in addition to also Fisheries the next.

Social in addition to also sometimes even informal meetings like these certainly are some of the exciting aspects of her work. however there are also challenges ahead. With an already extensive network, the CTC has recently seen a rise inside the number of programs in addition to also people involved. Their biggest challenge will be to keep their focus on working on the local level. One way of doing in which can be running very intensive projects in which there can be face to face communication with all people involved in addition to also important information can be shared. in which involves a lot of determination of Rili in addition to also her team.

Since founding the CTC they have been doing exactly in which: giving all they can for the conservation of the Coral Triangle. in addition to also I am sure they will continue to do so inside the future. They are passionate about their work, however the item’s also necessity in which drives them. With the human impact on marine ecosystems rapidly increasing, there can be still a lot of work to do for the conservation of This specific unique in addition to also hugely important area for today in addition to also future generations. in addition to also genuinely, the time to do in which can be today, because if the Amazon of the Seas might disappear, the item will never again come back.

If you want to know more about the work of the Coral Triangle Centre, check out their website: http://www.coraltrianglecenter.org.



CTC: Fighting for Conservation of the Amazon of the Sea

CTC: Fighting for Conservation of the Amazon of the Sea
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