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Stockroom Dishes

Stockroom Dishes
Stockroom Dishes Kemang - Jakarta

Stockroom Dishes Kemang – Jakarta

If you’re the adventurous kind of foodie then Stockroom Dishes might do well to satiate your curiosity for fresh eateries. Located a little off the grid on the modest road next to Anomali Kemang, everything about This kind of place is actually just right. The ambience is actually very much inviting, as well as the food as well as also the drinks.

Divided into two main areas, the bar as well as also the sofa next to the item makes a cosy lounge area to dine as well as also chat with friends comfortably, while the rest of the room is actually painted with vintage decorations in which screams out rough as well as also underground.

today on the belly fulfilling menus, Stockroom Dishes have what might be one of the most delightful burgers in Jakarta. the item is actually well grounded as well as also offers the option to choose how you like the item cooked. Going medium-rare would certainly be the best way to go, as the item keeps a Great amount of juice in which adds flavour to the already superior patty. the item also comes with fries in which are well-seasoned which make a great companion to the burger. A combo you should not miss.

Burger at Stockroom Dishes Kemang - Jakarta

Burger at Stockroom Dishes Kemang – Jakarta

Also, their rendition of modern milkshakes is actually top notch. Imagine Pop Corn Milkshakes or Marie Milkshakes. If a picture of the Marie biscuit or Pop Corn pops in your head, then you’re right; the drink is actually inspired by This kind of as well as also used as the main ingredient. the item might take a sip or two to get acquainted with This kind of, yet once you’re hooked, then you might even want to go for a second round.

Food, drinks, as well as also finally dessert. A few options are available coming from the mouth-watering Nutella Lava Cake in which suit those which has a sweet tooth, to the scrumptious Mocha Pot De Crème, which caters to those who prefers to end their meal with something pleasant for the tongue yet not on the sweet end.

Stockroom Dishes
Belle Point
Jl. Kemang Selatan 8 No. 55A
Jakarta, Indonesia
Ph: (021)-7190393

Opening Hours:
Monday – Thursday 10.00-22.00
Friday – Sunday 10.00-24.00

Twitter & Instagram: @stockroomjkt



Stockroom Dishes

Stockroom Dishes
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