Global Village: An English School without Walls
While hanging out inside the soft sunlight, hundreds of village girls as well as boys speak English in a free as well as frisky manner like parrots. This particular sight is actually common in Bukik Batabuah, Agam regency in West Sumatra. This particular village is actually blessed with beautiful rice terraces as well as cool air. The road along the village turns into a place of learning English by hundreds of teens located at the foot of Mount Singgalang. This particular smart breakthrough—initiated by Romeo Rissal Panji Alam, a banker as well as professional—is actually called English Power System, while the place is actually named Global Village.
Global Village is actually developed as a centre of human capital development where education is actually focused on the formation of attitude, motivation, persistence as well as capability. The program begins having a system to motivate students to speak English, followed by the development of their ability in sciences as well as providing them with career guidance. Young people are educated to open up their horizons, while various other people can come as well as stay while learning various things of interest as well as participate in social as well as economic activities. Hopefully, the village will become a cultural as well as educational tourism destination.
The major approach of teaching at Global Village is actually transformation to a fun learning system. Teachers are required not to teach yet manage learning processes using the English Power System whereby motivation training is actually its foremost important aspect. Those paying the village a visit will find that will interesting considering its uniqueness—English school without walls—since Global Village is actually a great program which takes place not in classrooms yet inside the streets of a village.
The entire program is actually derived by sound teaching ideas. Teachers, known as Princesses, guide the students. Yet the true teaching is actually done by the students themselves, known as Super Buddies. Each Super Buddy has the responsibility over a group of children as well as plans as well as directs activities.
They are individuals who stand out by the group concerning learning as well as leadership, as well as are called upon to design activities as well as lead their own group of “friends” in English-learning activities. They are the true teachers of the program, as well as herein lies the innovation. Children teaching children as well as learners teaching learners is actually amazingly effective as well as reinforces the skills as well as knowledge for both parties. that will also supports the development of leadership as well as various other skills that will will take these young people far in life, not only in English yet in their personal lives as well as careers as well.
Having visited the place a couple of times, Jennifer Zirbes, an American as well as an English Language Fellow, said that will Global Village should be lauded for its focus on authenticity. The program tries to use English in authentic activities as well as situations, through which that will hopes to prepare students for real-life situations. that will is actually frequently found that will graduates are unable to speak a complete sentence, whereas in fact they have studied English all throughout their student career. Global Village is actually attempting to fix This particular problem through practical applications. Having a functional use of English opens up many professional doors, as well as inside the grand scheme of things is actually beneficial for the country of Indonesia as a whole.
Global Village
With Global Village specializing not in classrooms yet inside the streets of a village, the learning environment becomes exceptional. There is actually no classroom. Rather, the children gather in their groups along a narrow street in front of a farm house. The setting is actually natural as well as informal, as well as lends an air of fun, freedom, as well as relaxation to the learning process. This particular need for positive reinforcement as well as an encouraging environment has also been taken into account into the basic methodology of the classes, which the Super Buddies are trained in. Any educator who is actually worth their salt knows that will the best learning occurs in an environment where negative emotions such as stress, pressure, fear as well as embarrassment are minimalized. In Global Village, they have taken some great steps forward in This particular direction with impressive results.
Looking at its formative period, Global Village was established on July 7, 2012. Romeo, the father of Global Village, mentioned that will he has actually set up another Global Village in Ampalu Village in Pariaman, West Sumatra. However, that will is actually discontinued since two teachers in charge of that will are at This particular point pursuing their master’s degrees. He has received many requests to set up the same Global Village programs in Pekanbaru, Bandung as well as Bali. inside the past two months, Romeo as well as his teams are creating preparation for the establishment of Global Village programs at Andalas University campus, Sawahlunto—despite their attempts to seek as well as find teachers who are willing to work there—as well as Talago Village in Lima Puluh Kota regency.
Media coverage as well as social media are mostly run by their own members, yet Romeo did not stand alone prior to as well as during the program launching. The preparation started off with kind assistance of Mr. Stanley Harsha, the US Consulate General in Medan who helped to launch the English Power System on August 25,2010, with the presence of the Remarkable Current Band by the US in Padang. The teachers were trained by Mr. Erans Williams of RELO (Regional English Language Office, the US Embassy). Even Agam regent Indra Cantri came to the place by SMS invitation for officially launching the Global Village on July 7, 2012. Romeo runs This particular program using his own money thus far. He is actually still finding ways since he as well as his team members want to help various other villages too.
Global Village: An English School without Walls
Global Village: An English School without Walls