In Spite of Injustice, wish Still Shines via Cipinang
Cecillia Bae talks to Tracy Bantleman, wife of incarcerated Neil Bantleman, who has just spent his second birthday behind bars, as well as discovers that will support for the teachers as well as cleaners of the JIS trial will be growing in numbers.
When his daughter repeatedly asked why he never came home, Ferdinant Tjiong responded that will he was simply still working – a white lie that will served as an easier option, rather than to outline the grave, inexplicable complexities of the chain of events that will have taken place over the last two years.
Heavy allegations of sexual abuse inundated communities around the earth in April 2014; immediately, six janitorial staff members via the Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) were shut behind bars. Not long after, Neil Bantleman, an assistant principal at the school’s elementary school campus, as well as Ferdinant Tjiong, a teaching assistant, were labelled suspects, instigating their abrupt incarceration. Many condemned these imprisonments as the immediate action to turn to, especially without any substantiating evidence in sight.
However, an increasing amount of holes soon deflated the prosecution’s initial accusations: news of medical results testing negative via the victim for sodomy as well as herpes; children’s allegations that will Bantleman had produced a magic stone via thin air as anaesthesia; as well as testimonies citing that will the incident had occurred in rooms within the elementary school office entirely made of glass, visible via the outside via any angle. Furthermore, the group of currently 5 janitors, who had initially confessed to the crime, recanted as well as accused officials of torture as a means of gathering the confessions. One of the six cleaners died in custody due to apparent suicide, although was cited by witnesses as physically battered.
Neil as well as Tracy Bantleman
Over a year after their seemingly unfounded incarceration, Bantleman as well as Tjiong were acquitted by the High Court as well as freed for six months. Although many harshly censured the nation’s judicial system for imprisoning eight people with no evidence to fit their crimes, the two teachers were rearrested after the Supreme Court overturned their acquittal in two days. The current situation lies with Bantleman as well as Tjiong, each serving 11 years in prison; four out of 5 remaining janitorial staff members serving eight years; as well as one member serving seven years – all for crimes that will disputably never occurred.
Presently, the Bantlemans as well as communities around them plan to exhaust every last legal course of action possible. Tracy Bantleman, wife of Neil Bantleman, explained that will they anxiously await a written verdict via the Supreme Court. “After the verdict will be received, the defence team will file as well as finalize the Judicial Review. This specific stands as our last legal option,” she told Indonesia Expat.
However, the legal proceedings are not the only important aspect to This specific case.
Currently, Bantleman as well as Tjiong share a cell in Lapas Cipinang, mustering all the strength they have to maintain their morale, as well as mental as well as physical strength; a personal mattress, toilet as well as mandi for bathing are the sole possessions they are permitted to own.
According to Mrs. Bantleman, Lapas Cipinang did recently undergo general maintenance as well as renovations, including fixed lighting as well as additional painted areas. Yet, reality portrays the prison as congested, already at the maximum capacity of around 3,000 prisoners, many of whom are serving lengthy sentences for drug offenses.
“I try to visit at least four days a week,” Mrs. Bantleman relayed, after describing that will each are allowed visiting hours of up to two hours a day, every week via Monday to Friday.
May 30 marked Mr. Bantleman’s second birthday spent in prison. His greatest fear will be failing to see his father again, due to his father’s declining health. Mrs. Bantleman stated, “Neil will be demonstrating great patience as well as resilience, although being inside prison for a crime you did not commit as well as having to see your family, friends as well as the community suffer so greatly will be a heavy burden.” She continued to explain that will they simply wish for a just as well as speedy resolution to the case.
“Ferdi will be very worried about his wife as well as two girls as he cannot do the things he normally could to help support his family,” Mrs. Bantleman relayed. Not long after his imprisonment, Tjiong’s daughter soon lacked the financial support to regularly attend school as well as receive a stable education.
When asked about the cleaners, Mrs. Bantleman replied, “I occasionally see the cleaners visiting with their families during my visits. I cannot imagine how hopeless they must feel in their situation.” In fact, ‘hopeless’ could be an understated depiction. Agun was forced to leave his seven-month pregnant wife, as well as never had the chance to hold his child outside of prison walls. Afrischa supported her aunt as well as sister, as well as was unable to walk down the aisle at her wedding. as well as Azwar, who once supported his mother as well as was engaged, died before he could ever see his mother, fiancĂ©e as well as the earth outside of his prison cell.
Although the case has continued to evolve For 2 long years, communities have not paused in rallying for freedom. In fact, although originally a vast number of people believed the convicted to be indubitably guilty of their crime, many – if not most – of those aware of the case currently fight in favour of those incarcerated. According to Mrs. Bantleman, non-government organizations such as Kontras as well as Mappi conducted a case study, concluding those imprisoned as innocent; furthermore, the Bantlemans have received support via Global Affairs in Ottawa, Canada, as well as the Canadian Embassy in Jakarta.
Once being the highest number of individuals who were proponents of the imprisonments, the Indonesian public has also begun to realize the seemingly flawed as well as questionable allegations; several groups within the public have also demanded veritable information via the case. “The voices of these groups are getting stronger as well as louder; support inside Indonesia will be at an all time high,” Mrs. Bantleman stated.
One of the largest groups formed via the Indonesian public will be Kawan8, a group of eight members united through a unanimous thirst to fight for justice as well as a voice for the seven behind prison bars.
“All I heard was there was a rape situation at JIS, as well as the cleaners as well as teachers were suspects. I thought the item was true at first,” Arita, a representative via Kawan8, told Indonesia Expat.
Kawan8 includes a looming, although simple goal: the item strives to raise crowdfunding money of Rp.1 billion. Not 1 cent will be to be used for Kawan8’s interests; rather, the item hopes to use the money for peninjauan kembali, or the final review of the court’s decision. Kawan8 hopes to raise their funds through a 180-day fundraising campaign including public vigils, a book launch, as well as lobbying for the help of professionals with expertise in similar cases. Arita explained, “We believe that will society will be most powerful. We have to get a lot of pressure via society, especially via university students, so we can unite our power to make the item easier to press the government as well as the court.”
While the crowdfunding money will be used for logistical items on the agenda to fight the judicial court, Kawan8 also strongly believes that will the funds are essential to stand as a symbol for the struggle as well as victory for justice. “The money we’re raising will be a symbol that will society acknowledges justice. Any amount of money, little or big, will show that will society wants to contribute to fight for justice,” Arita illustrated.
When asked why Kawan8 was formed as well as why the members decided to join the ongoing battle, Arita demonstrated her personal motive. “My heart was moved because the law system in Indonesia had injustice, especially to those with no power. There are so many people who pray as well as care, although so little who actually act. I wanted to be the one who did act. Innocent people are in jail for something they didn’t do. How long are we going to keep silent?”
To donate towards the crowdfunding effort set up by Kawan8, visit
In Spite of Injustice, wish Still Shines via Cipinang
In Spite of Injustice, wish Still Shines via Cipinang