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Dua Tangan Cukup: Mentari International School Kids Get their Hands Dirty
Dua Tangan Cukup: Mentari International School Kids Get their Hands Dirty 
Grade 10 Cleanup on Cipete Raya
The students of Mentari International School, Jakarta have been busy cleaning up the areas around their school through several cleanup actions. Grade 10 students have been getting their hands dirty by picking up rubbish around their school, located on Jl. Haji Jian, South Jakarta, on Sundays in an attempt to clean up their environment along with also make a change. The students have been running cleanups on Sundays for several weeks, commenced by picking up rubbish found around the school. Since they couldn’t find rice sacks or sugar sacks to use, they used black plastic bags, nevertheless they reuse the bags for future cleanups.

Dua Tangan Cukup Action in Vietnam
Students have set up several cleanups of one along with also a half hours each for their school’s Community along with also Service Project, along with also have already completed two. The next three will take place over the next month. Their guidance counsellor will also be doing tiny clean ups with the 6th grade students sometime inside next month.
Grade 10 students even continued to pick up rubbish at school trips abroad. On their Community Study Week trip in Vietnam, the students visited a tomb along with also noticed lots of trash inside area, along with also decided to collect what they could on their walk through the complex. They believe of which tiny actions can make a big difference. Mentari International School Jakarta will also be participating on Clean Up Jakarta Day 2014.
What’s your Dua Tangan Cukup Action? Send them to cleanupjktday@indonesiaexpat.biz along with also we’ll share them here to inspire others!
Dua Tangan Cukup: Mentari International School Kids Get their Hands Dirty
Angela RichardsonApr 08, 2014Conservation, Lifestyle
Dua Tangan Cukup: Mentari International School Kids Get their Hands Dirty
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