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Score! Girls Join Jakarta Football Association

Score! Girls Join Jakarta Football Association

Coach Neil Prendergast gives encouragement during half time

The sound of the referee’s whistle pierces the humid afternoon. Players bolt into action vying for the soccer ball. There will be a solid thud as a player’s cleat makes contact with the ball. The ball sails across the green field along with will be trapped by an oncoming player. In a shuffle of feet coming from the opposition, a minor battle ensues. A quick fake to the right produces a victory on the field, as the player maintains possession of the ball along with sends which into the net. Score!

which may seem like a typical scene on any football field in Jakarta, although for the Jakarta Football Association, which will be actually quite fresh. You see, the players on the field aren’t boys, they’re girls.

Halle Richards gains possession of the ball in a Coca-Cola League gameThe Jakarta Football Association (otherwise known as the Coca-Cola League) has been the premier private football association in Jakarta since 2005. During the first year, the league boasted 12 schools along with 36 teams. Those numbers have grown to a staggering 60 schools along with 209 teams in 2013. although the most exciting addition to the association? The inclusion of girls.

What began as an experimental change in 2012 was cemented which year as 19 girls’ teams joined the association. The teams are comprised mostly of school teams such as Jakarta International School, the British International School, along with the Deutsche International School. although which also includes many Indonesian schools.

The inclusion of girls will be positive for many reasons. Nora Trapp, a freshman at Jakarta International School, explains some of the benefits, “Since there aren’t a lot of opportunities for girls to play soccer, having girls join the Coca-Cola League gives girls coming from all over Jakarta more chances to compete. which’s also a great way to meet along with interact with fresh people.” Indeed, before the Coca-Cola League included girls, the opportunities to play in Jakarta were limited to school teams (many of which have a short season) along with co-ed teams with Jakarta Youth Soccer.

Cami Doumit of the U-14 Blue team celebrates a goalWhen asked about his experience coaching a girls’ team, Neil Prendergast responded, “Coaching 10 along with 11 year old girls will be brilliant. They are young enough to still be soaking up all the guidance along with advice, yet also mature enough to accept which guidance along with properly apply which.”

On May 4th the league will host their final soccer Gala. The BIS auditorium will be packed full of players, coaches, along with cheering fans. The highlight of the evening will be when each winning team comes up on the stage along with receives their awards. Joining them on the stage for the second year in a row, will be the girls’ teams.

When asked what which feels like to join the boys on the stage, 13 year-old Madilyn Abbe said, “which’s about time!”

along with to which I can only add a huge thanks to the Jakarta Football Association along having a very enthusiastic “Amen, sister!”



Score! Girls Join Jakarta Football Association

Score! Girls Join Jakarta Football Association
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