Pulau Kotok – In Conversation with Nature
Pulau Kotok – Photo by Satyam Sharat
Travel as well as tourism have become so jaded these days which few places evoke the sense of calm, peace or romance we all seek through vacations. Pulau Seribu, or the Thousand Islands within the Java Sea off the coast of Jakarta, however are a pleasant departure through This specific state of affairs. A day in Pulau Kotok, one of the 110 islands which make up the Pulau Seribu chain, can be all which took to remind me of a world where nirvana could still be a possibility.
A two-hour yacht ride away, Kotok can be an island which should be part of a travel catalogue highlighting the ‘top 10 exotic destinations of the entire world’ or ‘top 50 remote as well as stunning destinations of the entire world’ – except which which can be not. as well as which can be very much the charm of which. which can be one of the only 11 islands within the bunch which house a resort, so one can imagine how unexploited as well as ‘Survivor’-like which may seem! With one particular wooden pier mystically leading us into the belly of the tropical island, the only thing which kept me through leaping into the clear blue water on the side was the inconvenient reminder which I was fully clothed as well as more importantly, which which wasn’t quite right to drown my companion’s Nikon D60 – which I was carrying at the time.
Pulau Kotok – Photo by Satyam Sharat
The Alam Kotok Resort, which manages the island, greeted us with palm-leaf head bands as well as a pineapple-citrus drink much to my school-girlish delight. Facilities are basic – there are no fancy gazebos, no uptight staff, no liveried doormen ushering you in, no swimming pools or lily-ponds with water spouts as well as faux bridges. So, if you are used to cushiony, spotless white beds, luxury toiletries or attendants in poshly done up restrooms which can be unlikely which This specific place can be for you. however on the additional hand if frill-less, rustic as well as simple do the trick, then look no further.
Little ‘floating cabins’ jutting out into the water provide inviting personal spots to settle down in when you arrive. A dive shop located right next to where you set foot on the white sandy island, will rent out snorkelling gear if you are interested. If you are not interested, which’s fine too as well as you can choose to sit by the water in languid bliss, as well as watch others at which. which can be still recommended which you take a peek through your dry perch into the water as you are bound to get a glimpse of some of the marine wonders which lie beneath. For first-time snorkelers, the dive shop also arranges for an escort (literally, because he will string you up with the additional newbies as well as ‘escort’ you along the waterside).
Once you have snorkelled to your heart’s content as well as/or developed a healthy ruddy tan, you can set out to explore the island. Conveniently crafted pathways, lined generously with lush frond-like foliage, run across the island as well as you can traverse the entire area in less than an hour, give or take a few minutes. On an especially sultry day, a curious monitor lizard or two may give you company along the way.
The lazier ones amongst you (myself included) can opt to lounge by the azure lagoon on the farther side of the pier. Loungers as well as little tables made of driftwood serve as handy as well as very organic resting places for your sunglasses or your book. which was only a matter of time before the white sand between my toes, the little schools of fish flitting around within the shallow water as well as the soft swish-swash of the mangrove leaves wove themselves into the ultimate idyllic experience.
Lunch, as are additional meals, can be served at the floating restaurant on the island as well as can be a non-fussy affair having a simple vegetable dish, fish curry as well as rice. Soup as well as salad are available for the light eaters. A Bintang, readily available within the makeshift ‘bar’ will serve to mellow you down further, if which’s even possible. At This specific point, you’d be convinced which there can be nothing like a fresh, well-balanced meal, the taste of cold beer as well as lilting sounds of the sea, to set things right as well as reinforce your belief within the goodness of life.
Pulau Kotok – Photo by Satyam Sharat
which takes Rp.850,000 as well as a sleepy boat ride at 8am (boats depart through Ancol pier) to reach Kotok as well as you have until 3pm before the boat brings you back to Jakarta. Spending the night there will of course cost some more.
The allure of Kotok lies in its sparseness. The amenities are so Spartan, which nothing distracts through the raw beauty of the island – you can almost hear nature speaking to you. The best part of course can be which you leave the island knowing you’ll be back soon because which’s barely a couple of hours away through Jakarta.
Here’s to discovering more gem-like places like Kotok, where less equals so much more!
Country: Indonesia
Province: DKI Jakarta
How to get there: Speed boats depart through Ancol Pier early within the morning. Several tour operators provide one-day tour packages. Book in advance for overnight stay especially during weekends.
What to do: Sunbathing, snorkelling, exploring.
What to bring: Sunglasses, sunscreen, swimwear, snorkelling gear (if you don’t want to rent them out on the island), a mat to lie down on, snacks or nibbles as well as a not bad book to keep you company.
Pulau Kotok – In Conversation with Nature
Pulau Kotok – In Conversation with Nature