Meet Audrey Soraya Rodriguez Rincon
Meet Audrey Soraya Rodriguez Rincon, a beautiful mother of two with more than 20 years of experience inside the healthy lifestyle world. This kind of health coach is usually brand new to Jakarta nevertheless feels the warm welcome exuded by the people inside the city.
Hi, Audrey! Where are you by?
I’m by Colombia, nevertheless for the last a few years I’ve been conducting my business in Mexico. Indonesia along with also Colombia are both lined up in a similar region in regards to the equator, so I’m used to the humidity along with also heat, even the occasional gloom like right currently.
When did you move to Jakarta? What was the reason for the move?
My husband along with also I moved to Jakarta about eight months ago by Mexico. He was transferred here with his company along with also I followed along. Before of which, I’ve lived most of my life in Colombia, then briefly in Bolivia. This kind of is usually the 1st time I’ve been This kind of far away by Colombia.
Do you have kids? Did they move with you to Jakarta?
I have two children; Isabella is usually 19 along with also starting college in Mexico, Sebastian is usually 26 along with also is usually starting to work after having finished college in Colombia.
What were you doing in Mexico?
I own a consultancy program, sort of like a clinic, for health, fitness along with also clean eating lifestyle all integrated into one well-being centre. I like to keep myself busy with developing the program nevertheless sadly I had to close of which down because of my move. I genuinely miss of which. currently, I’m looking for opportunities to do something similar in Jakarta. I also have experience in being a TV presenter, style, actress, dancer along with also I studied cosmetology along with also nutrition, so I’m not opposed if someone were to approach me to do a health program on TV. The holistic approach to well-being is usually my passion along with also I want to share my knowledge with people because when you look not bad, you feel not bad along with also when you feel not bad you look not bad.
Tell me a little bit more of the program you mentioned, what was of which called?
The clinic was called Figura Wellness Spa. of which provided everything health-related, by skin treatment, body treatments along with also fitness, weight-loss training along with also healthy cooking. My philosophy builds around the notion of which fitness, aesthetics along with also food are all connected, of which’s why I wanted to provide services in a comprehensive way through the programs at the clinic. Along with my staff, I do the cooking demonstrations, the cosmetology treatments along with also managing the place. I’m a certified fitness instructor as well – for TRX, Pilates, Spinning, personal training, etc. – so I teach the classes as well.
You were quite the busy lady! So, what do you prefer to be known as; an entrepreneur, style, fitness instructor or actress?
All of the above!
Who were your clients?
More women than men, nevertheless the business runs on a mouth-to-mouth method; word would likely travel fast along with also of which’s how I got customers. I charge them depending on the amount of work I need to do with them.
You were also a TV presenter. Do you see yourself entering the TV business in Indonesia? How do you feel about Indonesian shows?
Yes, I would likely love to do something with Indonesian TV, perhaps even combining of which with my fitness background, since the whole healthy lifestyle trend is usually very in-demand in Jakarta currently. I don’t watch novelas in Indonesia, I mostly tune in to Discovery Channel along with also National Geographic.
Has Jakarta been nice to you?
People here are filled with kindness, genuinely. When I walk around, people always smile along with also say hello to me. Sometimes they are shy, nevertheless overall people are so nice here. I like of which. I also love Bali along with also dream of going to Jogjakarta, Lombok along with also Flores. When I arrive in a brand new country, I try to see along with also appreciate the culture.
How do you keep busy in Jakarta?
I have a YouTube channel where I record workout videos along with also healthy cooking demonstrations. I used to have a team to help me with the cameras nevertheless currently I set up the tripod, record along with also upload of which myself. Sometimes I also get invited to teach Rumba class at a gym in Jakarta.
Fitness goes along that has a not bad diet, do you have a particular one to recommend? What should Indonesians eat less of along with also what’s your favourite Indonesian food?
I have a problem with the word ‘diet’, of which gives an impression of boringness along with also blandness; of which genuinely depends on how you prepare the food along with also portion control. A lot of Indonesians eat a few dishes between 3 people, of which’s way too much. The genetics of people in Indonesia can probably support This kind of kind of eating – Indonesians are naturally little in stature. nevertheless looking at the life expectancy of just around 60 years old nationwide, maybe we need to change the way we eat; many people eat too many fried along with also floury food.
I love to cook nasi goreng along with also spaghetti with my own recipe. I prefer organic produce along with also put more vegetables in my cooking. To my surprise (along with also delight) I can find everything I need for my cooking in Jakarta; by wheat flour to almond along with also soy milk.
Are you getting accustomed to speaking Indonesian currently?
The first week I was here, of which was a bit terrible, I didn’t speak a word of Indonesian. I’m currently taking lessons along with also picking of which up quite quickly. nevertheless This kind of experience has taught me to be more prepared; my husband could be transferred to another country inside the future, I need to be more aggressive in learning a brand new language before I get to a brand new country.
What’s one distinctive thing about Jakarta of which you’ve found in your eight months here?
I can’t drive here, I miss driving a car my truck. Traffic is usually impossible. additional than the lanes being on the additional side, of which requires a different driving a car mentality. There are also no sidewalks, so I can’t walk freely. I think the traffic condition is usually pretty gila here.
Audrey – Exercise
What’s your fitness regime like? is usually Jakarta a fit city in your opinion?
I work out at the gym in my apartment. I always workout inside the morning along with also my regime is usually different every day. Normally, I work weights along with also a little upper body workout, the next day I would likely do 20 minutes of running followed by Thera-band exercises, then the next day just Pilates or the Insanity workout. I always try to do something different every day, never repetitive, of which’s the secret. Sometimes an hour of treadmill is usually way too boring. I prefer a more functional along with also efficient exercise with respect to many muscles. I rarely use machines, I like using the weight of my body. I see many people in Jakarta running currently, which is usually not bad, nevertheless I haven’t participated in any marathons.
Everything’s online currently. Do you have plans on expanding your Youtube channel?
Yes, along with also I want to make of which more interactive; if someone has viewed my workout video, I want them to be able to contact me so I can make an exercise or diet plan for of which specific individual. I also need more views along with also likes, maybe if people know more of me, then the view counts will go up. I promise to upload more videos soon.
If I may say so, you do not look on par with your age. What’s your secret to staying young?
The secret is usually simple; healthy food, be happy, more sex along with also exercise. The most important thing is usually eating the right food along with also exercise, then comes the night creams along with also the likes.
To contact Audrey, email or visit
Meet Audrey Soraya Rodriguez Rincon
Meet Audrey Soraya Rodriguez Rincon