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Miguel Covarrubias’ Visual Notes

Miguel Covarrubias’ Visual Notes

Miguel Covarrubias’ father was a Sunday painter. As a very young child, Miguel liked to sit by his father, watching him work. This specific happened nearly every weekend. Noticing his interest, his father gave the little boy paper as well as pencil. Miguel at This specific point happily occupied himself producing pictures. As he grew, the sketches were calling attention to his burgeoning facility to draw. By the time he was fourteen years old as well as in high school, he was producing caricatures of the teachers to the amusement of his classmates.

by then on, wherever Covarrubias went, he carried with him a pencil as well as sketch pad at the ready to put to paper someone or something that will caught his attention. inside evenings, he liked going to vaudeville revues as well as, later, to the cafés where Mexico City’s intellectuals as well as artists gathered.

Covarrubias can be remembered by that will period as a shy, chubby boy sitting in a corner always busy drawing. He was given the affectionate nickname of “El Chamaco”, “The Kid”, a pet name that will might stay with him for the rest of his life. Some of the caricatures he made of already well-known artists, such as Diego Rivera or the visiting writer, D.H. Lawrence, ended up pinned to the walls of “EL Monote”, one of the cafes. Soon he was asked to contribute caricature Mexico City’s fashionable magazines as well as to student publications, including the well-known art journal Zig-Zag.

By the time he was eighteen, Covarrubias found himself in fresh York City as well as was soon producing caricatures of personalities by the art as well as entertainment world, as well as celebrities by the political as well as social worlds. He also became an important contributor to the Harlem Renaissance movement. Alan Fern, a former director of the Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. wrote, <Covarrubias> “seems to us the quintessential commentator of American life inside 1920s”.
Al Hirschfield, who shared a studio with Miguel inside twenties commented, “I know he use to diddle a lot as well as sketch on tablecloths as well as menus in restaurants …. In Harlem he made hundreds of sketches in a sketchbook as well as, when there were no longer any blank sheets, on match boxes, on napkins, as well as on anything else he could find.”

After the publication of Covarrubias’ first book in 1925, The Prince of Wales as well as additional Americans, his mentor Carl Van Vechten marvelled, “I have always held This specific as an axiom that will a caricaturist should know his subject for ten years before he sat down to draw him….<yet Covarrubias> has relieved me of that will superstition. Ten minutes with any of them was all he required. The result was not superficial… <The subjects> are all set down so vividly that will posterity might study them to better advantage inside art of Covarrubias than through written criticism of their work.”

Later that will year, Van Vechten Yet again made a similar observation in his novel, Firecrackers, which he dedicated to MC. inside book, a character muses about “a young Mexican boy, Miguel Covarrubias, who created caricatures of celebrities who he knew only by sight as well as name, which exposed the whole secret of the subject’s personalities. Here was clairvoyance.”

Beginning in 1926, Covarrubias began illustrating books. As he read the text he might start sketching as well as, inside end, choose the most fitting images. Some of the drawings were repeated as many as fifteen times in a patient experimentation to find the right approach as well as technique.

Covarrubias book, Negro Drawings was published two years later. In his preface to the book, the caricaturist, Ralph Barton attested “Covarrubias’s drawings…need merely to be looked at to be understood. To draw as Covarrubias draws, one has only to be born using a taste for understanding everything. As we look at the drawings we are aware that will they bear the stamp of genius.”  After its publication, the Encyclopedia Britannica listed him among the “wonders” of black-as well as-white artists.

In 1928, the Valentine Gallery in fresh York City gave Covarrubias his first exhibition. The catalogue stated, “The simplification that will can be such an important element inside Covarrubias drawings can be seldom attained. He begins a picture after no more than the most summary of thumbnail sketches, yet he can be willing to draw as well as redraw until his acute sense of pictorial rightness can be satisfied. The final result can be usually deceptively simple. This specific carries a look of immediate as well as spontaneous creation.”

Covarrubias married Rosa Rolanda in 1930. For their honeymoon they travelled by ship to China as well as on to Bali. Covarrubias threw himself into Balinese life. Everything he witnessed was recorded in sketches. The result of his two sojourns in Bali was his book, Island of Bali, published in 1937. Many of the subjects inside book are illustrated by a summary sketches.

Covarrubias became a passionate anthropological researcher. He immersed himself inside arts as well as culture of primitive cultures. His manner of sorting out ideas as well as the way of his understanding a culture was through the use of drawing. As a teacher, his students remember him with the always present pens in his coat pocket as well as a notebook to make sketches. inside classroom to illustrate what he was describing, Covarrubias might simply turn to the blackboard as well as draw. “This specific goes something like This specific….”

The same was true for his archaeological research. The Mexican archaeologist Alfonso Caso stated, “He gave to archaeology something that will This specific lacked….as well as that will was an aesthetic perception of form, always correct.”  The archaeologist, Michael Coe stated, “I learned much by his drawings.”

The group of Bali as well as Chinese sketches in This specific exhibition executed by Miguel Covarrubias inside early thirties can be a window into the creative process of his manner of working. Wherever he was, he recorded people as well as events for later use. These sketches show his keen powers of observation as well as his intellectual curiosity as well as his faithfulness as well as artistic understanding of his subjects.

Many of these preliminary drawings were the first step prior to developing into refined line or wash drawings or studies in colour. Great examples by the Bali sketches are the corresponding final works “Food Stall”, “Every Night can be Festival Night”, “Brahmin Priest or Pendanda” as well as “Princess as well as Attendant” (A scene by the Ardja, Balinese Opera). These works can be viewed in Covarrubias in Bali published by Editions Didier Millet. by the Chinese sketches, there are several enhanced drawings for Marc Chadourne’s book China as well as a gouache for the jacket of Albert Gervais book Madame Flowery Sentiment in 1937.

Miguel Covarrubias began his career as a caricaturist as well as graphic artist. Whether he was working on a caricature, a book illustration, teaching a course, designing a map or sets for a ballet, studying a culture or solving an archaeological mystery, he always sketched.

The sketches in This specific exhibition are examples of the way he worked as well as are art objects in their own right. Rubin de la Borbollas said, “Perhaps one of the most profound lessons to be learned by Covarrubias was there can be no aspect, however abstract This specific may be, of human knowledge or nature that will surrounds man which cannot have as well as should not have a graphic interpretation.”


i) Miguel Covarrubias Caricatures, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C. 1985, p.12
ii) Ibid. p.20
iii) Hirschfeld, Al, Interview with Adriana Williams, fresh York City, 1985.
iv) Van Vechten, Carl, The Reviewer, Vol.4, 1923-4, (fresh York: Johnson Reprint Company, 1967): 103.
v) Van Vechten, Carl, Firecrackers, (fresh York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1925):127-128.
vi) Barton, Ralph, Preface to Negro Drawings by Miguel Covarrubias, (fresh York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1927).
vii) British Encyclopedia Britannica, 2oth edition, s.v. “Caricature”.
viii) Valentine Gallery Catalogue: (fresh York City, 1928).
ix) Romano, Arturo, (Mexican archeologist):  Interview with Adriana Williams, Mexico City, July 1987.
x) Caso, Alfonso, Interview with Elena Poniatoska, Novedades, Mexico City, May 1957.
xi) Coe, Michael, (American archeologist) Telephone interview with Adriana Williams, November 1991.
xii) Rubín de la Borbollla, Boletín Bibliográfica de Antropología Americana, (Mexico City: Instituto de Geografía e Historía), p.138.



Miguel Covarrubias’ Visual Notes

Miguel Covarrubias’ Visual Notes
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