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Meet Jason Will

Meet Jason Will

Meet Jason Will, the eco-friendly businessman. Jason can be keen on lending a helping hand to relieve social in addition to environmental issues through numerous CSR projects with his company, Santa Fe Relocation Services.

When did you move to Indonesia, in addition to where are you through?
I am originally through Brisbane, Australia in addition to first moved to Jakarta in January 1999. After two years here, I relocated to Shanghai for three years, did a brief stint in Singapore in addition to returned here in 2004 as President Director for Santa Fe Indonesia.

How did your journey with Santa Fe Relocation Services start? When did you start working for the company, in addition to how did you end up in Jakarta?
I actually joined Santa Fe in Shanghai in 2001. I enjoyed the dynamic pace of Shanghai nevertheless after three years I asked to be moved closer to my two children who were living in Australia. So I was offered in addition to accepted a position at our Singapore office, however the idea wasn’t long before the opportunity to take over Santa Fe Indonesia arose. Having lived here before made the idea an easy transition for me back to living in addition to working here.

Apart through its literal meaning, what does CSR mean for you, personally?
Having lived in addition to worked in Asia, you see firsthand the significant income disparity gap in which exists in many places here. I believe in which companies in which earn money through operating in these locations also have a moral obligation to give back to the communities in which we operate. Every little bit helps.

What different CSR projects have you done with Santa Fe Relocation Services?
We have assisted organisations such as the Red Nose Foundation, Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), WatSan Action, World Vision in addition to Habitats for Humanity. We also provide logistical support for organisations when there can be a need for any relief projects. Most recently we funded a catfish cultivation project for the local community where our office in addition to warehouse can be located.

We thank you for Santa Fe’s support for Clean Up Jakarta Day. What urged you to support in addition to be a part of Clean Up Jakarta Day?
We saw This specific as a great initiative. the idea can be unfortunate in which the idea seems in which the culture of disposing of rubbish responsibly can be not as prevalent as the idea should be here, nevertheless hopefully the publicity created by This specific event will help bring more awareness of This specific issue. Also much of the rubbish finds its way into rivers, which contributes to the clogged waterways in addition to causes flooding issues.

Are there different organisations or causes in which Santa Fe support? Why do you choose to support them?
Aside through the organisations I mentioned earlier, as we relocate a lot of expatriates when they leave Indonesia in addition to many of these clients have furniture in addition to different items they no longer need in addition to do not want to take overseas with them, we therefore collect in addition to distribute these items to various charities here.

Can you tell us a little bit about your ‘green’ office? What prompted Santa Fe to adopt This specific eco-friendly office environment, certified by the Indonesian Green Building Council?
One of the initiatives of the Santa Fe Group was to become a member of the UN Global Compact. The UN Global Compact can be the earth’s largest initiative on corporate responsibility with more than 6,700 members committed to promoting sustainable development using the 10 principles of social, environmental in addition to economic responsibility as a framework. We report annually on our progress, promoting in addition to supporting sustainable development in our work. I was fortunate to be given a major role inside design in addition to construction of our brand-new office in addition to warehouse, which we finished building in July This specific year. So, naturally the idea was important to us to incorporate these environmental principles into the design in addition to construction of our brand-new facility. Therefore, we contacted the recently created Green Building Council of Indonesia (GBCI) to ask for their assistance in addition to input in obtaining green certification for our office in addition to warehouse. Consequently, our facility incorporates many ‘green’ features including rainwater harvesting, optimal use of natural light, bamboo flooring, waterless urinals, LED lighting, in addition to handicapped facilities.

Jason Will & WifeHow do you still find time to be the Ambassador for Internations? Can you tell our readers what Internations can be in addition to what you do for the organization?
InterNations.org can be a worldwide organisation which supports more than 390 online communities around the earth. Its primary aim can be to help people who are living in addition to working abroad to connect into their local community. I share the Ambassador role for Jakarta with Sony Jethani in addition to together we organise regular gatherings for people to meet in addition to build up their circle of friends. Unlike many different events in Jakarta, the InterNations gatherings are targeted purely for social purposes, not business. The Ambassador role can be a volunteer position in addition to to be honest, Sony probably spends the most time organising these events, so my job can be as simple as turning up at the events (when I am in town) in addition to generating sure everyone can be happy. I must say the idea definitely has gained a lot of popularity here in addition to usually attracts 150 or more people to the gatherings. I have seen many strong friendships created through these gatherings, which has made living in addition to working here much easier for many people.

If you’re not juggling work in addition to projects, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Much of my spare time can be spent trying to keep up with my wife, Deisy who runs www.WhatsNewJakarta.com, which keeps us very socially active, however whenever I get the chance (unfortunately too infrequently) I try to enjoy a game of golf.

What would likely you recommend to people as the simplest way to be more ‘green’ in Jakarta?
A simple step would likely be to refuse plastic bags when buying things. My local DVD shop has finally gotten used to me refusing to take the DVDs in a plastic bag. I have seen estimates in which over 4,000 tonnes of plastics bags are disposed in Indonesia every day in addition to nearly all these bags are not biodegradable – which means they take over 1,000 years to break down. Every little bit helps, so we should all think twice before accepting a plastic bag.

What can be your personal advice to company leaders in order to execute more CSR projects inside future?
the idea doesn’t take much effort to find many worthwhile causes to be involved with, nevertheless a start would likely be assigning someone in your company to identify potential CSR project opportunities in addition to to oversee them. Also an easy way to implement ‘green’ initiative would likely be to ensure your company can be only using recycled paper for your printers in addition to photocopiers. We use a locally sourced paper called ‘Exceedo premium recycled’ which can be 90% recycled. Also for each ream of This specific product in which can be used, your company will contribute to saving 20 litres of water consumption, reducing 0.1 lb of emission of air pollutants, saving 3.1 kWh electricity consumption, saving 1.1 litres of oil consumption in addition to saving 40,500 Btu of heat energy. Also their bleaching process can be chlorine free. So, find out what type of paper your company can be using.

Jason may be contacted via his email jwill@santaferelo.co.id



Meet Jason Will

Meet Jason Will
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