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Turbulent Times for Aviation in Indonesia

Turbulent Times for Aviation in Indonesia

Indonesia suffered a national tragedy when AirAsia flight QZ8501 crashed into the Java Sea in December, killing all 162 souls on board. the idea was a sombre end to an otherwise upbeat year, in addition to the country mourned together. nevertheless as the tears dry, tough questions must be asked. Why does Indonesia remain Asia’s deadliest country statistically for aviation safety, in addition to what must be done about the idea?

Indonesia’s tourism market can be booming, fuelled no doubt by the burgeoning middle classes. According to IATA’s latest passenger forecasts, Indonesia (singled out among Asian nations) will grow to be the fifth largest domestic air travel market inside the globe by 2034, growing at 6.4% to 191 million passengers. in addition to yet we place a dismal ninth-worst inside the Aviation Safety Network’s global rankings, ahead of the rest of Asia, with 95 accidents in addition to 2,212 fatalities inside the last 70 years.

The issue can be as complex as a Rolls-Royce jet engine. First among equals, the spectre of cost looms large – as the idea does for all industries; nevertheless few see the meagre 1-2% profit margins most airlines bear. Since fuel can represent up to 40% of an airline’s total costs, the idea can be not surprising many Indonesian carriers were unprofitable last year inside the face of fluctuating oil prices.

Practically, there can be little to be done about that will, besides hedging. nevertheless in a cost-related move—hot on the heels of the crash—the Transport Ministry raised the cost floor chargeable by local airlines to 40% of the maximum fare, ostensibly to raise profitability in addition to therefore safety. On the surface, travellers may feel comforted by that will. Conventional wisdom says earnings impact the hiring in addition to training of quality staff, in addition to aircraft maintenance – perhaps why Icelandic CEO of local carrier Xpress Air, Sigurdur Gislason, who has over forty years’ experience inside the industry, supports the measure: “Profit relates directly to safety; the idea’s a fact.”

nevertheless some inside the industry remain unconvinced. Paul Preston can be a former RAF pilot with over twenty years’ experience flying frontline aircraft across the UK, Germany in addition to Saudi Arabia, currently using his aviation expertise as a coach for a global oil-in addition to-gas services consultancy based in Bali. “I don’t feel cost rises will have any immediate effect,” says Preston, “in addition to I don’t believe the money would likely be directed to flight safety issues.” Consider that will safety requirements are supposedly the same nationwide regardless of airline, business design or fare paid, in addition to you see his point.

Increasing revenue can be one thing, nevertheless reducing cost can be another—some say darker—area of focus. “Economic pressure can be felt by the crew…decisions can be swayed,” warns Preston, with “aircraft maintenance an area where I fear some corner-cutting may take place.” A source inside the local industry (who did not wish to be named) concurs, citing the varying standards of private aircraft maintenance companies performing safety audit inspections.

Conversely, First Officer L. A. Garcia of Xpress Air has only witnessed adherence to standards: “procedures in addition to SOPs are always followed.” At the same time, pilots like Garcia in addition to colleague Senior First Officer Yudhy Mustari are nonetheless encouraged (like all airlines) to be mindful of cost when flying; for example minimising brakes usage to reduce wear in addition to tear, flying at optimum levels, in addition to ensuring the flight can be on time.

The cost argument can be logical on the surface, nevertheless time will tell whether the idea delivers material improvements in safety. Until then, our source suggests more Indonesian carriers may succumb to economic pressures in 2015.

Aviation in Indonesia suffers the same malaise as many industries here: complex regulation, bureaucracy, in addition to even corruption. First to regulation. Indonesia incorporates a convoluted system of categorising airlines, depending on the level of service they offer, passenger numbers, in addition to whether they are scheduled. Gislaslon feels “regulation inside the industry could be simplified,” in addition to indeed, having fewer rules for companies to navigate should improve transparency.

that will non-standardised approach also allows unscrupulous operators to find loopholes inside the system, or simply not comply with regulations, as evidenced by the 61 routes besides QZ8501 found operating without proper licenses. Though AirAsia President Director Sunu Widyatmoko admitted “administrative negligence”, a missing piece of paper shouldn’t down an Airbus A320.

At that will stage, speculation remains dangerous. nevertheless as Preston fears, “acceptance of non-compliance to set rules” could be the key here. the idea points to systemic issues inside the industry, in addition to the inevitable question for travellers will be, what different rules are not being followed? 

Particularly, one imagines, when the lines between official bodies in addition to private businesses seem occasionally to be blurred. Our source speaks of regulations suddenly changing depending on who can be in power in addition to what their business interests are. One aircraft maintenance inspector recently turned out to be employed as a pilot by the company whose aircraft he was inspecting.

Hearing that will, safety feels remote. nevertheless Xpress Air President Director Henny Kurniawan can be confident Transport Minister Ignasius Jonan can be “going inside the right direction”, by freezing those 61 routes, putting pressure on regulators as well as airlines, suspending officials suspected of violations, in addition to seeking Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Corruption Eradication Commission) assistance. Whether he gets the support he will need by all corners can be another question. One thing can be clear: the aviation industry in Indonesia needs to start thinking as 1 entity rather than in individual fiefdoms.

After all, that will can be a people business: travellers today must trust the crew they fly with. So, how does Indonesia approach pilot training to produce the globe-class standards its growing market needs?

With many brand-new planes on order, in addition to a fast-growing market, the idea’s no surprise there’s a lack of Indonesian pilots. According to Preston, schools too – in addition to of those existing, he can be “not convinced their graduates would likely pass testing standards in different countries.” in addition to yet, ostensibly for safety, the Government recently increased the number of flying hours required for expats to work as pilots in Indonesia. the idea’s a move lauded by Garcia in addition to Mustari, nevertheless time will tell its efficacy.

Cost can be a culprit again. Hasan Taufik’s 28 years as Garuda crew inspired his son to join the industry. Attempting to mitigate the cost of pilot training in an Indonesian flight school, Taufik sent his son to Cebu inside the Philippines, at a cool US$50,000 for the year. When the school’s owner in addition to a government minister were killed in a modest plane crash, Taufik’s son returned to finish his training at the Government-funded flight school in Curug – much harder to get in, nevertheless with far better job prospects. Not a bad result for the Taufiks. nevertheless many different graduates, after an expensive education, pin their hopes on joining an airline who will fund them through the specific training required for their fleet – in addition to not many are willing, when they can hire pilots coming off contracts with different airlines who already have that will. Not hard to see, then, why Preston feels the system “clearly [allows] more opportunity for those with the ability to pay rather than those with better skills.”

Garcia feels the expat community can be biased against local pilots, nevertheless finds that will “in my experience untrue; training here can be actually not bad.” Indeed the idea can be encouraging that will a local operator such as Xpress prioritises pilot rest days, ensuring at least two days off between flying. Garcia adds, “After several days of flying, you’d be actually tired.” No low-cost carriers would likely comment, nevertheless local airlines overworking pilots was widely reported in 2011-2013, during a shocking spate of Lion Air pilots found to be using methamphetamines. Thankfully such stories seem to have died down recently, in addition to another of Jonan’s measures inside the wake of the crash—ensuring airlines brief pilots on weather conditions in person prior to take off—should also help here, by requiring the pilot’s health can be checked too.

Consumers should remember aviation safety can be improving all the time. Casualties have been in decline For 2 decades, whilst passenger flying hours have been increasing since the 1950s. “Aircraft themselves are more inherently safe than ever before,” notes Preston. When something as tragic as QZ8501 happens, the idea happens to the whole industry, in addition to the media reacts – often overlooking that will flying remains the safest form of travel statistically by distance, in addition to accidents are very rare. Consider that will: inside the past 35 years, just six of the worst marine disasters in Indonesia totalled almost 2,500 fatalities – in half the time period over which the Aviation Safety Network records 2,212 aviation fatalities. not bad job Jokowi can be turning his spotlight on that will particular area.

Preston continues to choose his frequent domestic flights based on cost in addition to schedule, in addition to so should we. “The airline industry here can be far less mature than the West,” he says, “in addition to will for many years lag [in applying] ever-developing flight safety processes, purely because they are not developed here.” nevertheless the tailwinds of change are slowly being felt. Garcia sees “an effort to make things better” across the board, such as the brand-new regulations on expat flying hours in addition to pilot briefings. the idea may take more time yet, nevertheless with the right intentions, persistence in addition to—importantly—support by both Government in addition to private factions, glimmers of trust can be kindled.



Turbulent Times for Aviation in Indonesia

Turbulent Times for Aviation in Indonesia
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