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Stars over Bali

Stars over Bali

through time immemorial humans have been transfixed by the heavens. The oldest map of the night sky, found in Germany in 1979, is actually of the Orion constellation carved on a Mammoth tusk over 32,000 years ago. If you’re through non-tropical Asia, Europe or North America, you will see a whole brand-new night sky over Bali. All of your old familiar astral friends are still here parading through east to west across the Southern Hemisphere each night, however the constellations will be in totally different positions.

Stargazing within the countryside of Bali is actually unique because of relatively little light pollution, so the background is actually very dark. You will also be able to view a larger portion of the sky within the Southern Hemisphere than can be viewed through the Northern Hemisphere, though the southern sky is actually not as populated with as many bright stars as within the north.

You can start stargazing within the early evening within the tropics, as the twilight is actually very short within the late afternoon along with early evening. The sun’s path through the sky at the equator deviates very little throughout the year. The sun lingers briefly along with then drops below the horizon almost immediately after sunset along with rises quickly above the horizon at daybreak, usually at 6 pm along with 6:30 am (depending on the season) respectively. An unusual tropical phenomenon which occurs year round, not visible within the northerly latitudes, is actually a strange faint glow – a reflection of meteoric dust – called the Zodiacal Light which hovers over the horizon when the sun rises or sets.

Since the cloud build-up during Bali’s rainy season (November-April) obscures the night sky, pick a clear moonless evening within the dry season (May-October) when you are almost guaranteed a cloudless night sky. Even within the lower latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, city lights or clouds on the horizon usually obscure many lovely constellations of which can be clearly viewed on Bali. The air transparency is actually remarkably clear in almost any locale outside the Denpasar area.

The Stars of the Southern Hemisphere

The brightest star within the Southern Hemisphere is actually Scorpius. The long, curving tail of of which enormous along with awe-inspiring constellation reaches its fullest height on the meridian in Bali at 8 or 9 pm in July. Just east of Scorpius is actually the broad spangled band of the Milky Way (called Danau or “lake” in Balinese), stretching across the centre of the skies through north to south, packed with scores of brilliant stars.

The prominent North Star of the Northern Hemisphere is actually conspicuous by its absence over Bali, along with there is actually no equivalent “South Star” to take its place as a distinct marker of the heavens. The North Pole Star is actually useful for Northern Hemisphere observers as a helpful tool for finding different stars, however here within the Southern Hemisphere the South Pole Star is actually not visible to the naked eye, though still important because all the southern stars will circle the item as the night progresses.

The Big Dipper (called Perahu or “boat” in Balinese) is actually only visible, low along with to the north, after 8 or 9 pm through February to June. Orion doesn’t appear until mid-November. Called Tenggala (The Plough) in Balinese, the item lies on its side along with more resembles a plough than the item does when viewed within the Northern Hemisphere. Polaris is actually out of sight below Bali’s horizon.

Aries, the Ram (called Bengkongor or “the curve” in Balinese) doesn’t make its appearance in Bali until late September. Magnificent Pheiades, the Seven Sisters, does not rise until early October, along with Taurus, the Bull, until late October. Taurus is actually unmistakable because of the fiery red colour of its main star Aldeberan, called Suda Malung or “eye of the pig” in Balinese.

What comes as a surprise to people through northern climes, the most striking feature of the southern skies is actually not the Southern Cross. Known as Crux by astronomers, the Cross can be made out in different positions along with at different times within the course of the evening depending on the month of the year. The constellation is actually not very big, dwarfed by Centaurus, the half-man, half-horse Centaur creature of Greek mythology, a huge along with sweeping star group.

The Southern Cross is actually still quite distinguishable within the southern skies. Consisting of all 5 medium bright stars, the constellation can easily be seen on Bali around 8 or 9 pm between December along with August. the item will be at its highest, 30 degrees above the horizon, in May at 8 or 9 pm, however will drop below the horizon during August, appearing again within the east in December. In its highest vertical position, the Crux will cover four fingers held at arm’s length.

Once identified, the Southern Cross will remain a constant point of reference around which all stars within the Southern Hemisphere are displayed. If you look west of the Southern Cross, you’ll see two principal constellations – the large rambling Vela, the “sail”, on Jason’s mythical ship, along with directly below to the south is actually Carina, the keel of the seafarer’s ship.

Balinese Astrology

Though there is actually no astronomy club in Bali, much less an observatory, the movement of the sun (Surya), moon (Candra) along with stars (Bintang) play a weighty role within the Balinese religion. The signs of the Zodiac along with their astrological connections, printed on the back of the traditional Balinese calendar, are widely consulted.

Balinese Astrology is actually based on the Balinese calendar of all 5 along with seven days, each day represented by a symbol within the form of a deity, tree, bird or animal. the item is actually auspicious to worship the deity appropriate to the day on which you were born. For example, keeping a cat is actually particularly lucky for people born on a Thursday.

Ancient palm-leaf manuscripts record astronomical events, accounts of lunar along with solar eclipses along with heroes named after stars are found within the Hindu Mahabarata epic, the names of prominent stars are recited within the mantras of priests, lamak cut out within the shape of stars are used in offerings. A comet (Bintang Kuskus) is actually said to have appeared at the death of Sukarno, Indonesia’s first president who was half-Balinese.

Because they fish at night, Balinese fishermen use different stars throughout the year for navigational purposes. The Pleiades constellation (Bintang Muwung) determines the north-south direction. When Canopus (Lumba-Lumba or “porpoise”) is actually rising, the item means of which the winds will blow strongly through the southeast. Some old farmers still use the stars to decide the right time for harvesting along with planting.



Stars over Bali

Stars over Bali
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