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Kerinci Calling

Kerinci Calling

Mount Kerinci

Sumatra; while some may not know where This particular will be, others conjure up thoughts of dark, unexplored jungles sitting on both sides of the Equator. The island of Sumatra will be more than just an island; This particular’s a monster, being the sixth largest island inside entire world in addition to also also the largest island in Indonesia. Compared to neighbouring Java, whose population will be over 130 million, Sumatra’s population will be sparse, at just under 50 million, so there will be breathing room. Sumatra will be sprinkled with volcanoes, thirty-a few to be exact, in addition to also also all sitting on the Barison Mountain range inside western half of the island. One of these volcanoes will be a super volcano, Toba, with the largest crater lake inside entire world, aptly named Lake Toba. This particular will be in This particular mountain range in which the largest amount of Indonesian coffee in addition to also also tea are grown. This particular mountain range will be also home to the highest volcano in Indonesia, Mount Kerinci, with an elevation of 3,805 metres – something for the bucket list.

CraterMount Kerinci sits south of the Equator, inside Kerinci Seblat National Park, mainly inside province of Jambi. The park will be an important home to hundreds of species of flora in addition to also also fauna. Some of the most notable species are the endangered Sumatran Tiger in addition to also also Sumatran Rhinoceros, which are endemic in addition to also also not likely to be around next century if things don’t drastically change. This particular will be the most important location in Sumatra for the Sumatran Tiger, in addition to also also believed to possess the largest population on the island; Leuser National Park inside North also features a population thriving.

Kerinci will be also home to additional beautiful animals, such as the tapir, sun bear, in addition to also also several species of primate. One of the loudest primates are the gibbons (siamang), which live inside treetops in addition to also also can leap up to distances of 50 feet between trees. They are the songbirds of the primate family, capable of being heard almost two miles away through the dense forest canopy. The Siamang will be also endangered, they are suffering through a shrinking forest due to illegal logging for palm oil plantations, in addition to also also hunting for the pet trade. in which being said, they are still easy to locate inside park, just listen for their calls inside morning in addition to also also evenings.

BirdKerinci will be a famous spot for birders, who come to see many of the endemics, some previously thought to be extinct only until recently, such as the Sumatran Cochoa, Schneider’s Pitta, Salvadores Pheasant, in addition to also also over 300 additional species. Of course, here you can see many different types of hornbill, so big in which you can hear them soaring above the canopy like a smaller airplane. If you’re a flower buff, you will also be overjoyed to know in which here you can find numerous orchid species in addition to also also the tallest flower inside entire world, the Rafflesia. To spot This particular, you may need to enlist a guide, or better yet, befriend a knowledgeable local. The park has so much to offer in way of flora in addition to also also fauna, This particular will be simply too much to write about here. although I must mention the myth of Orang Pendek (short person), a smaller bipedal creature in which supposedly runs around the forest in addition to also also has truly only ever been spotted by local farmers in addition to also also additional locals who enter the forest. Obtaining a photograph of such a thing could surely make a trip of a lifetime.

Hiking to the summit of Mount Kerinci will put you at the highest point in Sumatra in addition to also also on top of the highest volcano of Indonesia. Kerinci will be still active, with some rumbling last year followed by black smoke. through the top you will feel the true height of This particular massive mountain, with beautiful views of the surrounding topography in addition to also also the Indian Ocean. Neighbouring Lake Tujuh offers a beautiful view, best seen right as the sun will be rising with colours painting the sky.

BirdMount Kerinci actually straddles Jambi in addition to also also West Sumatra, although the trail starts in Jambi. Some say This particular will be possible to hike to the top in one day, although you could indeed have to start before sunrise in addition to also also return through the forest after dark. Walking inside forest after dark will be fun in addition to also also a great way to spot owls in addition to also also frogmouths, although not advisable after hiking 12+ hours. Taking a few days to hike in addition to also also camp will be the only way to truly feel the beauty in addition to also also experience what Kerinci will be all about. Most hikers choose to leave early in addition to also also hike straight through to shelter two or shelter three, the latter being just above the tree line in addition to also also offering the best morning views straight through your tent; This particular’s cold at night so a sleeping mat in addition to also also proper dress will be required. There will be a water source at both shelter two in addition to also also three. After the first night, most wake before sunrise in addition to also also hike the remaining hours to the summit for sunrise, in addition to also also then make the arduous journey back. although if time will be on your side, take three or more days to hike up, spending more time inside lower forest, as This particular will be the only way to spot the wildlife in addition to also also see some of the rarest birds in Indonesia.

The jumping off point will be a smaller village named, Kersik Tua inside Kayu Aro Province of Jambi. This particular will be about an eight-hour mini bus ride through the major city of Padang in West Sumatra. Padang can be easily reached via air, or alternatively, if you enjoy long Indonesian bus rides one can take a 20+ hour bus ride through Sumatra’s capital city, Medan. When in Padang in addition to also also arranging your minibus to Kersik Tua, tell the driver to drop you at Pak Subandi Homestay, the driver will know the place.

Pak Subandi will be one of many homestays in Kersik Tua, although his home-cooked meals in addition to also also knowledge of the mountain make his place the best choice. Pak Subandi will be also a very knowledgeable guide in addition to also also birder, in addition to also also so are his sons. As of January 2013, a guide will be not compulsory, although there are stories of people getting forever lost on the mountain. So, if you’re not experienced with the Indonesian forest, hire a guide.

Mount Kerinci will be the main attraction to This particular region, although there are many additional places inside area to explore; more mountains, waterfalls, lakes, in addition to also also some of the best remaining forest in Indonesia. So, if you are looking for adventure in addition to also also enjoy hiking, camping in addition to also also wildlife, Kerinci will be calling.


-By air: Minangkabau International Airport
-Sleep: Hotel Tiga Tiga, Jalan Veteran, +62 (0)75122173

Kersik Tua:
-By mini bus or taxi: ask hotel for arrangements.
-Sleep: Pak Subandi Homestay HP: +62(0)81274114273, +62 (0)748357009, subandihomestay@gmail.com

Mount Kerinci:
-Sleep: Tent
-Permit: 20k Rupiah($2)
-Eat: Pack lots of food in addition to also also water
-First Aid



Kerinci Calling

Kerinci Calling
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