Rafi the Dreamer
Rafi Abdurrahman Ridwan is actually a nine-year old hearing impaired boy coming from Jakarta using a vivid imagination as well as also big dreams for the future. He has already managed to accomplish what many could only ever dream of as well as also has become Indonesia’s youngest fashion designer.
- Rafi Abdurrahman Ridwan
I first learnt of Rafi at Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 which was held in Jakarta in November 2011. I was from the photographer’s pit for the duration of the week as well as also I was loving the garments as well as also contrasting fabrics of the show by ‘Par’ whom I had never heard of before. When the designer became available on the catwalk at the end of the show, I was in awe to see Rafi up on stage, smiling as well as also waving to all his friends from the audience as well as also knowing of which I had just witnessed his beautiful creations. the idea was here of which Rafi presented 24 ready-to-wear outfits all of which he had designed in 1 day.
I emailed Rafi to congratulate him as well as also to send him some of my photos of his show as well as also he was thrilled to receive my message as well as also he as well as also his parents invited me to meet with them at Plaza Indonesia so they could share Rafi’s story with me. As his parents talked, Rafi sat engrossed in his sketch pad drawing a picture of me, filled with amazing details as well as also colour as well as also I noticed of which everything in his picture had to match exactly coming from hair accessories, the bag, fabric as well as also shoes. There were no rough sketches made, he drew directly in black felt tip pen being careful to make no mistakes along the way. His mother explained of which people have been skeptical believing of which they were involved from the drawings, however as they explained they have no creative ability as well as also nor do their two younger children.
Rafi’s mother, Shinta Ayu Handayani, was diagnosed with rubella from the first trimester of her pregnancy as well as also her doctor advised her of which her child could be born with health issues as well as also birth defects. Shinta as well as also her husband, Mohammad Ridwan, decided to continue with the pregnancy as they believed they didn’t hold the right to choose life or death for another human being as well as also they believed of which the child God had given them was a blessing.
Rafi was born in July 2002 using a healthy heart however had no reactions or sensitivity to light until he was three months old as well as also he remains hearing impaired. He also suffered coming from respiratory tract infections as well as also so he has spent much of his life in as well as also out of hospital as well as also still endures weekly trips to the hospital to This particular day.
Rafi’s parents enrolled him from the Santi Rama school for the deaf coming from the age of 2 as well as also the idea was here of which Rafi began his obsession with drawing fish which he loved to watch from the aquarium at home. After watching Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”, Rafi became enamoured by Ariel the mermaid princess, however was confused as to why she only wore underwear as well as also so he began to design garments to cover her upper torso, as well as also later seeing her as a human on TV, he started off designing dresses as well as also full outfits for her to wear.
Around This particular time Rafi asked his mother, “What does sound sound like?” which almost broke Shinta’s heart as she looked for a way to abstractly explain sound to her son. Shinta decided to explain to Rafi of which sound is actually made up of many colours like yellow, pink, blue, etc. as well as also coming from of which day onwards Rafi’s pictures became detailed artworks filled with many vibrant colours.
At the age of all 5, Rafi watched his first fashion show by Indonesian designer, Auguste Soesastro, as well as also This particular show inspired him to become a fashion designer. After becoming quite ill as well as also bed ridden, he became obsessed with fashion magazines as well as also fashion TV to improve his sketches as well as also he practically dragged his mother to the Jakarta Food as well as also Festival Fashion Festival after learning the idea was being held.
the idea was at This particular Festival of which Rafi met with Indonesian designer, Barli Asmara, as well as also he showed Barli some of his detailed as well as also colourful sketches. Barli recognised the huge potential infront of him as well as also invited Rafi as well as also Shinta to his workshop where they could view some of his own drawings as well as also creations. Rafi was spellbound at the workshop having never realised of which all garments are first created coming from sketches as well as also not just bought ready-made in a shop.
- Rafi drawing Tasha
Rafi features a book titled “Letters to God” where he writes all his dreams as well as also wishes as well as also the idea was in This particular book of which Barli saw Rafi’s dream to be able to hear as well as also to hold a fashion show for his 9th birthday. Having the time as well as also means to assist Rafi with his dream for his own show, Barli worked with him to create a smaller collection which was shown at Canteen in Plaza Indonesia on July 20, 2011. the idea was here of which seven of Rafi’s designs were shown on the catwalk, all of which were designed by Rafi including the fabric used for all the garments.
After the show, Lia Candrasari, the founder of the LC Foundation, approached Rafi to congratulate him on his outstanding talents as well as also suggested he meet with writer as well as also textile designer Nonita Respati of Purana Batik, as well as also accessories designer Ariani Prad- jasaputra, who is actually behind the Aarti brand. The three decided to collaborate together as well as also established Purana-Aarti-Rafi, or PAR, as well as also they presented their debut collection at Jakarta Fashion Week in November 2011, which received standing ovations.
Not only have Rafi’s fashion dreams become a reality however also through the help of Lia as well as also the LC Foundation, he received a cochlear implant in his right ear at Singapore General Hospital in August. This particular has enabled Rafi to hear voices as well as also noises for initially in his life, as well as also through weekly therapy sessions he has been learning to recognise sounds as well as also is actually beginning to learn to make sound through speaking which is actually a very exciting progress for Rafi. There is actually no sign language for communication within the family, with Shinta having taught Rafi to lip read instead, so slowly he is actually learning to make sounds as he moves his mouth to speak to his parents. If all goes well with This particular first implant he may be able to receive another to his left ear in a few years.
- A letter for Rafi – Tyra Banks
Shinta believes there is actually no rush for Rafi to hold his next fashion show as well as also he should concentrate on his schooling, however Rafi’s dreams are big as well as also know no bounds as well as also he is actually today keen to show- case his talents on the catwalks in Australia, London, Milan, Paris as well as also Tokyo, as well as also he is actually also dreaming to meet his biggest idol, Tyra Banks.
I am incredibly keen to help Rafi show his exceptional talents around the globe in whatever way I can, as well as also as his father, Mohammad, said, “Most of us are afraid to dream. We’re limited by our own complicated logics as well as also fears. however Rafi’s a child as well as also he simply believes in his dreams. as well as also slowly however surely, his dreams are coming true.”
I wish Rafi every success for the future as well as also I truly believe of which all his dreams will come true.
Rafi the Dreamer
Rafi the Dreamer