Meet Bernard Harrison
Bernard can be the zoologist who ran the Singapore Zoological Gardens along with also also Jurong Bird Park, also starting the earth’s first Night Safari. His biography Naked Ape.Naked Boss [by Kirpal Singh] can be due to be launched This specific April.
Where were you born along with also also raised?
I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia along with also also lived there until I was all 5 when my family moved to Queensland, Australia. At nine, I lived in Singapore along with also also at eleven I attended boarding school in England. I spent ten years there. I studied zoology, psychology along with also also animal behaviour at the University of Manchester. My father was a professor of zoology along with also also my brother became a botanist, so these interests seem to run within the family. I then returned to Singapore where I commenced working for the Singapore Zoological Gardens in 1973.
You were there 30 years along with also also became the CEO of Wildlife Preserves Singapore which can be SZG, Jurong Bird Park along with also also Night Safari. What are the main adjustments you made there?
This specific was a great zoo to begin with. We just made This specific better, very free along with also also open along with also also put on great exhibits. I was Director for many years along with also also, along with an in-house design team, I was able to continuously upgrade the design along with also also management of the facilities. I created one of the greatest teams within the earth. We worked so well together because there was no politics involved. Everyone can be a specialist along with also also they are all there because they love what they are doing. A big accomplishment was the creation of the first Night Safari within the earth. This specific’s unique along with also also the first of its kind within the earth. This specific may have been thought of at zoos within the West however was never executed; most likely because This specific has to be in a warm weather climate.
Naked Ape Naked Boss
I see you have a book coming out about you, ‘Naked Ape. Naked Boss’. Are you the Naked Boss?
Yes, I am. The book can be a biography of me by Kirpal Singh along with also also can be due to be launched on April 11th. The title can be because I don’t like to wear clothes very much. I wear as little as possible along with also also when possible, I wear nothing! Like when I sleep outdoors. Our bed can be within the garden. This specific can be lovely when This specific rains!
Tell me a funny animal or zoo story.
We had a hippopotamus escape through the Singapore Zoo. The zoo can be surrounded by a reservoir along with also also that will’s where he went along with also also stayed for forty eight days! Because the thing can be, how do you catch a hippo within the water? He would likely come up at night to feed on grass along with also also food we would likely leave out for him. The only time we could possibly get him was on land. The hippo’s skin can be so thick the tranquilizing dart doesn’t penetrate. This specific just bounces off of him. We had tried everything. Then a guy who personally knew the hippo came back through leave. He said, “Let me try along with also also get This specific guy!” He went to an animal den near the reservoir along with also also put food in This specific then tied a string to the door. that will same night the hippo went in along with also also the guy closed the door. No problem.
What can be the downside of creating a zoo? What are the most prevalent problems you encounter?
The downside can be you pitch ten jobs along with also also you get one. The likelihood of getting that will job accomplished can be one in ten. A lot of people want to do projects, however when they realize the costs along with also also what This specific entails, they withdraw. You spend a lot of time pitching for a job along with also also when you do finally get the job, This specific rarely gets built. This specific can be hard to get a client that will shares your vision. They may love your design however they have their own agenda. When you finally get one that will goes to fruition This specific can be truly a time for celebration. Our main concern in a zoo can be animal welfare. We want to make sure the client can be aware of the importance of proper maintenance along with also also upkeep of the animals. We must convince the client animal welfare can be the first priority along with also also if not, they should not build a zoo.
Where can be your next project?
We are currently doing a project in Xiamen, China. We have also designed along with also also developed projects in India, Cambodia, Seychelles along with also also the U.A.E.
Have zoos been successful in reintroducing species in danger of extinction into their original habitats?
We do try to introduce species back into the wild however many times to no avail. One such species can be the Bali Myna. They are bred along with also also put back only to be trapped. Ironically, the Hong Kong Zoo breeds a lot of the Bali Myna which are reintroduced back to Bali along with also also end up back in Hong Kong within the bird market!
Tina along with also also Bernard at Bali Safari
What happened to our relationship to animals along with also also nature?
We lost This specific. I recently gave a talk at the National University of Singapore, one of my alma maters. This specific was titled, ’Why do we do what we do?’ along with also also questioned why we are so barbaric along with also also cruel as a species. The problem can be we have not learned to be compassionate. We do not even treat each various other properly. We treat animals almost with contempt. Why can be that will? Because we are hunters? Look at chimpanzees which we are 98.6 percent genetically like us. Chimpanzees, like man, are aggressive, assertive, prone to violence, along with also also hold the female as subordinate, along with also also lower in status. Humans have evolved similar to chimps. The Bonobos share the same genetic structure with us however are a matriarch society where the males are subordinate. There can be no aggression along with also also when there can be conflict, they have sex! Also look at gorillas who are pure vegetarian. Their attitude can be much gentler.
If you could play a part in developing Bali, what would likely you do?
I would likely ban plastic bags in Bali along with also also all of Indonesia. Bangladesh banned plastic bags about twelve years ago for practical reasons. They were clogging all the drains along with also also sewers. Heavily congested tourist areas such as Kuta to Seminyak should be closed to traffic, with lots of car parks. People could walk along with also also cycle. Trees should be planted everywhere to create cool shade, along with also also keep This specific beautiful along with also also green.
Why did you choose Bali as one of your bases?
Because This specific can be the nicest place within the earth. I love Sanur; the village mentality along with also also no traffic jams. Bali can be beautiful.
Thank you Bernard! To find out more, visit
Meet Bernard Harrison
Meet Bernard Harrison