The Mad Tuk Tuk Challenge
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Picture the scene : You’re riding your bicycle along a dirt road near Prolit village near Siem Reap when a tuktuk flies by. Nothing completely new in This specific part of the planet, right?
Until you notice the driver can be dressed as Fred Flintstone.
Another one bumps along in your rearview mirror. This specific one’s driven by an Aussie that has a painted face. The next one bears an American flag. Then there’s the piece de resistance – a gold trimmed tuktuk complete with padded leather seats, a TV/DVD, electric fan in addition to also also mood lighting.
which’s invasion of the tuktuks, barang (barang can be the word used for a foreigner in Cambodia) style – better known as the MaD Tuk Tuk Challenge.
Born through the ingenuity of MaDman, Phil Starling, the event can be truly one of a kind. The Rhodesian-born, Australian-transplanted Cambodian resident that has a ’farmer slash I.T. background’ planted his derriere in Siem Reap in 2007 when he moved there with his wife in addition to also also started out up an NGO called generating a Difference for not bad (aka MaD).
Not only does his self-pronounced obsession with tuktuks provide him in addition to also also his family with transportation (in addition to also also a reputation), which also acts as a vehicle to raise funds for worthy projects in one of the poorest villages in Cambodia.
Every year around This specific time a posse of tuktuks hits the road in Siem Reap in addition to also also heads north-west. First stop can be Prolit village, where drivers visit the beneficiaries of MaD’s fundraising in addition to also also then which’s a free-for-all as they dash around the country for 11 days, rocketing along highways, bumping across fields in addition to also also swerving cows in addition to also also pigs on dirt roads.
The Mad Tuk Tuk Challenge: What which can be
Each team can outfit their vehicle as they choose in addition to also also designs have included a pirate ship, a desert island tuk tuk (that has a palm tree in addition to also also thatched roof) in addition to also also a Flintstone car (complete with stocking legs hanging through the bottom).
One of This specific year’s contestants
which costs $2,000 per team to enter the race (that has a maximum of three members) in addition to also also every penny goes to buy tools in addition to also also fuel, repair motorbikes, pay salaries in addition to also also additional ‘non glamorous’ items needed by the village. Phil owns all the tuktuks which are specially built for him in addition to also also delivered to his doorstep.
As for the teams – they come through far in addition to also also wide to get filthy, sweat a lot, deal with numb bums in addition to also also teasing through the locals in addition to also also swat mosquitoes along the trail. There’s Sarah through completely new York, Sean through Canada, Thom in addition to also also Jai through England, Lynnely through California, Penny through Australia in addition to also also Jad through Lebanon (who lives in Qatar) as well as a handful of expats living in Cambodia.
in the past there have been lawyers, doctors, students, professionals in addition to also also a wide range of people seeking thrills of a different kind. in addition to also also, while a couple of them went a bit off the deep end causing them to be sent home or reprimanded, the majority come along For 2 things: Adventure in addition to also also Assistance.
‘For me, which’s about adventure, challenge in addition to also also uncertainty,’ said Sarah Slotnick, who’s flying through completely new York to participate. ‘I’ll get the chance to see a completely new in addition to also also unknown country in a completely new in addition to also also unknown way in addition to also also everything goes toward a great cause.”
‘I feel which’s about giving something back,’ said Thom Buttery, who’s coming through Herefordshire to film the event. ‘which’s also for people who want to have a fun time while doing something not bad. What a way to see Cambodia!’
What They Do on the Mad Tuk Tuk Challenge
Accompanying the group will be a doctor to provide free healthcare to monks in addition to also also nuns in pagodas where the tuktuk riders settle in for the night. in addition to also also, for those who don’t have medical experience, there are opportunities to jump in in addition to also also do sing-alongs with the kids, teach a few English phrases or volunteer their services in any way which may be needed.
‘We have a lot of fun however we also do not bad things along the way,’ said Phil. ‘While we have a designated route, we have a powwow every night so everyone can weigh in about what they want to do the next day. Sometimes, we take which easy if the teams are tired in addition to also also sometimes we go full steam ahead in addition to also also cover more ground.’
Start your engines for the Mad Tuk Tuk Challenge 2012
The average distance covered every day can be 180 kilometers, with quite a few stops along the way. The rally hits the road on April 6 in addition to also also there are still openings for a couple more teams. in addition to also also if 11 days on the road sounds too much like roughing which, the MaD team can be planning a selection of shorter trips for the coming year.
The Mad Tuk Tuk Challenge
The Mad Tuk Tuk Challenge