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Invisible Migrants: Indonesians Abroad

Invisible Migrants: Indonesians Abroad

Growing up as a kid within the melting pot that will can be California, where since 2000 no single ethnic group has accounted for a majority of the population, I amazingly never once met an Indonesian.

Oh, there were plenty of Asians – fellow Indians, Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Thai along with also, going further west, neighbourhoods for Armenians along with also Persians. Both second-generation Asians like me, or recent immigrants alike. the idea can be not too dissimilar to what you find in additional western cosmopolitan cities like London, Paris, or Berlin. yet, with the exception of former colonial overlord Holland, none of these countries have as much of a presence through the globe’s fourth largest country. Indonesia doesn’t even rank within the top 25 origin countries of migrants to members countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD), which includes much smaller countries, such as Ukraine or Peru1. the idea can be easy to conclude then that will Indonesians just don’t emigrate much.

that will would likely be completely wrong. the idea might surprise you to learn that will Indonesians are one of the globe’s largest migratory countries. An estimated 6.5 million Indonesians work abroad at any given time, though accurate numbers are nearly impossible to glean due to the constant flow of people in along with also out of the country. They aren’t coming to developed countries, though; instead, the top destinations are Saudi Arabia (1.5 million) along with also Malaysia (1 million), with significant populations also in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Qatar, the UAE along with also Jordan. They come through all around the archipelago, yet predominantly through the lower classes along with also kampungs in Central Java, East Java along with also Lombok.

They are also one of the populations most vulnerable to exploitation abroad. Weak multilateral agreements, contradictory policies, aggressive, unaccountable employment agencies along with also a government that will actually profits through migrant workers leave too many Indonesians in situations of forced labour, domestic servitude, or sexual exploitation abroad. Low education along with also foreign language abilities of many migrants only acerbates This particular.

Many work within the shadows, as domestic workers, in isolated factories, or in remote palm oil plantations. Some of their stories are heartbreaking. Did you hear about Erwiana, a 22-year-old domestic worker who was tortured by her employer for nine months in Hong Kong? Or Satinah, who killed her employer in self-defence, along with also who was only recently freed through death row in Saudi Arabia after $1.8 million in blood money was paid? Both made headlines within the Indonesian along with also international media. According to Migrant Care, an NGO that will works to protect along with also raise awareness about Indonesian migrant workers, there are 375 Indonesians on death row abroad, many for crimes they did not commit, or for acts of self-defence.

This particular can be only the tip of the iceberg. Migrant Care also estimates that will three Indonesian migrants die every single day; over 1,000 a year. The reasons are a multitude – police brutality in Malaysia2, poor working conditions within the Middle East along with also untreated diseases caught while working within the sex industry. Most are young, along with also most are women.

Imagine if three Dutch, American, or Germans died abroad every day? The outrage along with also international attention would likely be astounding. The murder of just one American in Bali a few months ago made headlines all across Indonesia3. Can you remember the last time you saw a story in your home country about an Indonesian who was murdered abroad?

As an American, I’m incredibly lucky. Many of us who consider ourselves expats (a word that has a far different connotation than ‘migrant’) are well protected here in Indonesia. We have access to excellent services that will most Indonesians can only dream of. We are connected to each additional through powerful networks. We’re not exploited at work, nor are we subject to regular physical or sexual abuse. Few of us are tied to just one employer or forced to stay here until our visa expires. I’ve never heard of an expat having his or her employer take their passports to keep them through leaving – a common practice within the Middle East along with also Malaysia.

This particular can be often because the countries we come through protect their citizens abroad. Indonesians working abroad don’t enjoy the same luxury. Let’s remember them along with also fight for their rights too, both here along with also in our home countries. We may call ourselves expats, yet we are also migrants, along with also all of our stories are connected. Just because we’re more visible along with also through better-off countries, doesn’t mean we should forget about those who are not. If we haven’t learned that will through our international experience, then what’s the point of being abroad?


1[link: http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/jul/12/immigration-destination-countries-list-migration-statistics]


Learn More:

– www.buruhmigran.or.id
BuruhMigran Portal (in Bahasa Indonesia) – An information portal run by along with also for migrant workers to keep up with issues along with also for Indonesians to be aware of workers’ issues abroad.

– https://www.facebook.com/MigrantCare

– Twitter.com/MigrantCare
Migrant Care – Indonesian NGO focused on protecting Indonesian Migrant Workers’ rights abroad.

– www.IOM.org
IOM (International Organization for Migration) – Global body that will oversees international regulations while also monitors along with also collects data on migration.



Invisible Migrants: Indonesians Abroad

Invisible Migrants - Indonesians Abroad
Invisible Migrants: Indonesians Abroad
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