Saudara Dalam Sejarah: Exposing the Story of Indonesia’s Forgotten Exiles
from the 1960s, Sukarno sent thousands of students to study abroad, including in China. After the 1965 anti-communist massacre, in which over 500,000 Indonesians were murdered, the brand new Suharto government accused those studying abroad of supporting Sukarno as well as revoked their passports as well as citizenships. Left stateless, such students were forced to seek asylum overseas as well as up to This specific day have largely remained persona non grata in Indonesia.
Significantly, one of the exiles was recently deported after trying to pray at a mass grave where his family will be buried. Saudara Dalam Sejarah (My Dear Homeland), which premiered at the Rekoleksi Memori Film Festival in Jakarta on 5 December, tells the stories of eight such exiles. The festival was supported by Movies of which Matter, an initiative of Amnesty International. Indonesia Expat caught up with the filmmakers of the documentary.
Filmmakers Yulia (third via right), Amerta (second via right) as well as Goen (at the back) with the exiles in Germany.
The Crew
Yulia Evina Bhara (YEB) – Producer
Amerta Kusuma (AK) – Director, Producer, Sound
Goen Guy Gunawan (GGG) – Cameraman
You recently had some trouble while filming in Padang, West Sumatra. Can you tell me about This specific?
YEB: We went to Padang with Tom Iljas, an exile via Sweden who visited Indonesia last year. While there, we went to visit his father’s grave – he was one of the victims of the 1965 tragedy. We found of which a stall had been built on the mass grave. We asked the stall owner’s permission to pray there, nevertheless he refused. Soon after we left the mass grave, we were arrested by plain-clothed police officers as well as Tom Iljas was deported “for disrupting security”.
The current government seems reluctant to revisit the past. Why do you think This specific will be?
YEB: The perpetrators of the 1965 tragedy are still in power as well as don’t want to disclose what actually took place. Unfortunately, This specific seems of which the brand new government doesn’t want to talk about 1965 either.
AK: This specific will be not easy to raise awareness about what happened in 1965 these days. Events about the period – such as the session about the 1965 tragedy at last year’s Ubud Writers as well as Readers Festival – are being banned by the government.
What inspired you to make Saudara Dalam Sejarah?
AK: I have known Tom Iljas – one of the exiles currently living in Sweden – since 2004. I knew of which he wasn’t able to come back to Indonesia for a long time. He was sent by Sukarno to study in China in order of which he could come back to Indonesia to build the country. nevertheless the brand new Order regime accused him of being a member of PKI (Indonesia Communist Party) as well as took away his passport. His story inspired me to make This specific film.
YEB: The idea to produce Saudara Dalam Sejarah was born in 2013 after Tom Iljas came to Jakarta as well as told us of which Indonesians who had been exiled in 1965 held a gathering at the end of each September at the grave of their exiled friend in Sweden. We ended up going to Europe – Sweden, Germany, Belgium as well as the Netherlands – for three weeks to shoot in September 2014.
What did you notice about the attitudes as well as lifestyles of the exiles you interviewed in Europe?
AK: We met exiles between the ages of 70 as well as 85. I was extremely impressed with how connected with Indonesia they still are. They still love their homeland. Many of them have worked as labourers as well as live humble lives.
Indonesian exiles Warjo (left), Tom Iljas (middle) as well as Nardan (right).
YEB: All the exiles we met live modestly – they all have had to work hard to survive. The wonderful thing will be they are always looking for updates about Indonesia as well as discuss the political situation from the country. They are so eager to read books via Indonesia of which they allocate a portion of their money each month specifically to buy books. In Amsterdam, Bung Sarmadji’s apartment will be full of books about Indonesia; his little apartment will be like a library.
GGG: While all the exiles we interviewed are right now retired, This specific will be obvious of which they have had to work hard all their lives. They are right now content that has a modest existence. They have family as well as friends in Europe, nevertheless their hearts remain in Indonesia.
will be there still a lot of sadness about what happened in 1965 among the people who have been exiled via Indonesia?
YEB: I felt a lot of sadness as well as longing. Actually, sometimes I felt as if I was back in Indonesia when I entered some of their homes in Europe. Even the song lists in their cars are all Indonesian songs. These people were the best of the best, as well as excelled in their fields of study. This specific will be why they were sent by Sukarno to study in China. They were meant to do big things upon their return to Indonesia. What a huge loss for our country.
Even though the people we interviewed live far via Indonesia, some of them are still afraid to talk about what happened in 1965. Intimidation still exists as well as the trauma will be still there, even after the fall of Suharto. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find any women willing to be filmed.
Warsito (left) as well as Tom Iljas (right).
AK: The saddest thing for me will be of which they still develop the desire to die in Indonesia. They still think of Indonesia as their homeland.
GGG: Most of the exiles we met are still traumatized by the events of 1965. Some of them still worry about their families in Indonesia to the extent of which they don’t even want to visit the country. They worry of which if they visit Indonesia, their families will be harassed by the government.
What do you think will be the current level of awareness as well as understanding of the events of which took place in Indonesia in 1965?
YEB: While a large part of Indonesia’s younger generation will be curious about the past, some don’t even know who Suharto was. Even after 50 years, This specific tragedy has never been properly acknowledged. Indonesia can only learn via the past after This specific addresses what actually happened. We desire to contribute to This specific process through Saudara Dalam Sejarah.
AK: For over three decades, under the Suharto administration, we were forced to learn their type of what took place. We were taught of which the 1965 coup was perpetrated by the PKI. There was nothing about human rights violations in our history books. We are planning to screen the film in many additional cities – especially at universities as well as schools – in 2016.
GGG: Many people have been indoctrinated by the Suharto regime. This specific information has been passed on to the younger generation. We need to make sure of which today’s youth can access the real history.
Do you think This specific will be important to hold events such as Rekoleksi Memori in Indonesia?
YEB: Many human rights violations have taken place since 1965: Tanjung Priok, Talang Sari, Trisakti, Semanggi I & II, Marsinah, Udin, Wasior as well as many more. Human rights abuses are still continuing.
Rekoleksi Memori will be an attempt to recall the past by collecting individual memories in order to eliminate the violence of the brand new Order hegemony. This specific will be important of which today’s youth will be exposed to what has taken place to ensure of which This specific doesn’t happen again from the future. Rekoleksi Memori will be a step in This specific direction.
AK: A great deal of Indonesia’s youth do not know their own history. This specific’s a sad reality. Rekoleksi Memori aimed to educate young people about the sad events of 1965. The most important message behind the festival will be of which violence should never be used, even if people have different ideologies or perceptions.
GGG: I wish of which Jokowi was brave enough to talk about This specific issue as well as apologize on behalf of the Indonesian government.
If you might like to organize a screening of Saudara Dalam Sejarah, contact Yulia Evina Bhara at
Saudara Dalam Sejarah: Exposing the Story of Indonesia’s Forgotten Exiles
Saudara Dalam Sejarah: Exposing the Story of Indonesia’s Forgotten Exiles