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Heart Inc: Matching Up to Love in Indonesia

Heart Inc: Matching Up to Love in Indonesia

Heart Inc is actually a leading matchmaking company in Indonesia along with also was founded by Zola Yoana, Indonesia’s only certified matchmaker. Established in 2013, Heart Inc provides exclusive, high-end matchmaking for Jakarta’s busy professionals looking for serious along with also committed relationships. 

What was the reason for starting Heart Inc? What’s your background?

My background actually isn’t in matchmaking, the item’s in International Relations. I took a course for Matchmaking at the Matchmaking Institute in completely new York along with also I learned a lot about how to set up a business, integrating what the love industry is actually, with role-playing, etc., along with also after I returned to Jakarta, I founded my company.

What’s the main reason for getting into the love industry?

Passion: I love to make various other people happy. My happiness is actually when I see people find their happiness. Before, I used to enjoy matching people, like my friends, along with also they used to come to me for advice. I love when people find each various other naturally, nevertheless I’m here for the people who don’t have a chance to find love.

How did you realize which This kind of passion could be turned into a viable business?

the item’s a unique business, which I refer to as ‘the happiness business’. the item’s very common within the United States of America, nevertheless not yet in Indonesia. I’m the first along with also only certified matchmaker in Indonesia, which is actually why I felt the item was necessary to start This kind of business here. I don’t mind if a competitor one comes along, nevertheless I’m proud of being the pioneer in Indonesia.

How does matchmaking at Heart Inc. work?

We offer several services: matchmaking, dating coaching, overseas dating, image consultancy along with also events. For matchmaking, the process works by first registering with us, after which I will meet with each person for a one-on-one, in order which I can get to know them individually. I need to know their desires, backgrounds, along with also previous love lives before I can sign them up as a client. If I like the person along with also they actually need my help, then I will take them on.

A successful applicant will need to pay the administration fee along with also we’ll arrange to meet up for a second time. just for This kind of second meeting, they need to fill out a client form, which is actually a very detailed questionnaire about themselves along with also their potential match. Then we’ll set up the dating, according to their schedules.

Before the date takes place, the client will be able to see the profile of their date first, which explains personality, work along with also background, so when they meet, they can just focus on seeing if there is actually chemistry between them.

How do you know which person to match with whom?

This kind of is actually why I need to meet each client one by one, in order which I can understand their personality in order to make a not bad match. the item’s more personal; I’m your love consultant. I use my intuition, then I match them by hobbies, interests along with also compatibility for long-term relationships. I also do background checks to ensure all information given to me is actually truthful.

How much are your fees?

A six-month membership gets you several dates, including coaching on the dos along with also don’ts when dating, at US$1,800. Then we have a one-year membership at US$3,000, which gives you unlimited dates within a year along with also you’re entitled to relationship coaching, a makeover along with also access to our events, which include speed dating along with also singles mixers.

“I’m looking for independent, strong along with also financially stable men along with also women, mostly in their 30s or above, who are ready for love. I don’t accept desperate people. ”

What is actually your mission for Heart Inc?

I want to see people happy. I don’t just want to match my clients, nevertheless also give them knowledge about love, educating them on what relationships along with also love actually is actually. Getting married is actually easy, nevertheless what happens next? I want my clients to understand what the item takes to make the item last.

What does the item take to be one of your clients?

I’m looking for independent, strong along with also financially stable men along with also women, mostly in their 30s or above, who are ready for love. I don’t accept desperate people. People don’t want to meet desperate people. I tell my clients they need to possess the four Bs: balance, body, beauty, along with also brains.

Do you think the item’s difficult for single people to meet potential partners in Jakarta?

the item’s quite tough because Jakarta is actually full of traffic – there’s a saying which goes ‘you get old on the road’. People also tend to have friendship circles within their industries, so when they hang out, they’re not meeting potential matches.

Do you have expatriate clients?

Yes, I have clients coming from the United States along with also Scotland.

Do your clients often look for an expatriate match?

Yes, they do. Indonesian relationships can be complicated because of the families along with also high expectations coming from them. Most of my women clients are looking for expatriate men because they think they’re more open-minded along with also not complicated with regards to culture along with also age.

What are your male clients looking for?

Generally they’re looking for smart women who dress well along with also aren’t complicated. They just want someone who they click with along with also shares chemistry which they can be with for the rest of their lives.

How long does the item take for us to feel attracted to another person?

Women only need 95 seconds to know if they like a man or not. Men need only 90 seconds because they fall in love with their eyes. Women fall in love through their ears; they don’t care as much about looks, as long as the man is actually nice along with also sweet.

How’s business going?

Very not bad along with also the item’s getting better. I have just under 500 members, who are high quality singles along with also are candidates along with also potential matches to my clients. We will continue to grow by opening in Surabaya along with also potentially abroad. within the future, I will be more active as a love coach, along with also conduct group sessions as well as one-on-ones.

What challenges do you face?

I have a client who is actually Indonesian nevertheless doesn’t want to date Indonesian women, only Brazilian, Russian or Eastern Europeans. I have to collaborate with matchmakers abroad to try along with also find him the right woman. the item can be challenging when I meet clients with very high expectations or clients who aren’t ready to be open along with also honest with me.

Could you share a success story with us?

One of my clients is actually coming from Singapore along with also their potential match was Indian nevertheless coming from Indonesia. On their first date, they didn’t feel any chemistry, nevertheless they were still keen to try a second date. On the second date, they felt something click along with also they got married last July!

Do you also cater for gay along with also lesbian couples?

Not yet, nevertheless I’m open to which within the future.

What do you see as being the key points of a successful relationship?

Trust, respect, along with also the ability to support each various other. Relationships can bring out the best along with also the worst of you, nevertheless the right person will bring out the best along with also encourage you to be a better person.

Any advice for singles out there?

Learn to love along with also appreciate yourself first before you meet someone else – people will be attracted to the fact which you appreciate yourself. Also, be open-minded, as you never know who your true love will be. along with also finally, get your flirt on!

To get in touch, email zola.yoana@heart-inc.co or visit www.heart-in.co



Heart Inc: Matching Up to Love in Indonesia

Zola Yoana
Heart Inc: Matching Up to Love in Indonesia
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