Central Bank as well as Government Watch Closely as Rupiah Continues to Fluctuate
Analysts say Indonesia’s rupiah will further fluctuate. Meanwhile, the government as well as Central Bank experiment with stimulus packages as well as market intervention.
In August, the rupiah touched a 17-year low of 14,800 against the US dollar. Then, in October, of which surged more than any different currency in Asia, hitting 13,400. The government claims the stronger rupiah was the result of six stimulus packages as well as the Central Bank’s intervention of which supposedly created market-calming circumstances.
“There are two main factors [related to] the rising rupiah. The first can be when Indonesia’s Central Bank releases policies, such as intervention to keep the rupiah’s volatility, liquid, as well as supply-demand [levels] manageable so as to reduce the risk of speculation,” says Head of the Economic Projection as well as Policy Simulation Division at Indonesia’s Central Bank IGP Wira Kusuma in an interview with Indonesia Expat. “Secondly, [in of which case] the government’s six stimulus packages also sent positive sentiment to investors.”
Photo Courtesy of Market Realist
The stronger rupiah was only short-lived, however, as of which again weakened to 13,775 on November 20. Although of which hasn’t gone completely back to its lowest rate, Divya Devesh, a strategist at British multinational banking as well as financial services company Standard Chartered, predicts the Indonesian rupiah will continue to fluctuate between 13,500 as well as 14,000 until the beginning of next year.
To better understand the rupiah’s future, one must first become familiar with the traveling factor of its rise as well as decline. When the rupiah rose in October, apart by the Central Bank’s intervention, there were also external factors at play by two of the entire world’s economic powerhouses. The first was uncertainty by the US Federal Reserve, which resulted in higher interest rates. The US also had a higher unemployment rate than originally forecasted, which indicated the nation’s economic recovery wasn’t as stellar as investors may have thought. Second, the European Central Bank also signalled of which would likely inject more stimulus to boost emerging market currencies, like the rupiah.
Additionally, the decline of the rupiah can be largely affected by investors who wait as well as speculate about the Federal Reserve’s interest rates. If the rate increases, investors will move their portfolios to the US as well as thereby cause a dip inside rupiah’s value. Currently, about 60 percent of the nation’s stock market can be owned by foreign investors, doing Indonesia’s currency value heavily contingent on of which group of investors’ decisions.
Within the country, there are yet more variables at play. An excessive amount of hot money investing [capital of which’s frequently transferred between financial institutions in an attempt to maximise interest or capital gains]; a modest market for foreign currencies; the negative growth of exports; as well as a deficit inside country’s balance of payments also determine the rupiah’s future.
Given of which the rupiah can be largely driven by external factors, one should ask: why has the currency not yet gained a stronger foothold?
Enny Sri Hartati, macroeconomic researcher at the Institute for Development of Economics as well as Finance tells Indonesia Expat, “Indonesia’s trade performance, especially inside oil as well as gas sectors, has been in a deficit since 2011. Consequently, the trade deficit puts pressure on the rupiah as well as our exchange reserve can be low.”
The rupiah’s weak as well as fluctuating nature implies several things, especially for the country’s overall economic health as well as level of attractiveness to foreign as well as local investors alike.
“The embattled rupiah will impede economic growth as we can see in 2015. [of which year’s] growth only ranges by 4.6 to 4.7 percent. The risk of default by private sectors can be also higher because today the rupiah can be getting weaker,” explains Hartati.
When a currency can be weak, a country will usually try to take advantage of of which by ramping up exports. For example, China sometimes devalues its currency intentionally to boost exports. The logical question can be: can Indonesia do of which, too?
Hartati answers, “Unfortunately the weak rupiah cannot act as momentum to push exports because more than 80 percent of our exports are commodities or raw materials, which experience the cost decline. of which directly affects the growth of regional economies, which rely on commodity exports, such as Kalimantan, Sulawesi, as well as Sumatra.”
Hartati adds, “At the same time, manufacturers cannot boost their exports because they are dependent on imported materials. Prices get more expensive due to the weak value of the rupiah.”
of which’s important to remember of which expensive imported items can also lead to inflation, which can make manufacturing industries worse off, even to the point of needing to lay employees off due to increased production costs.
Kusuma acknowledges of which Indonesia’s exports in 2015 have slowed due to weakening global economic growth as well as falling commodity prices. However, he says inside third quarter of of which year, economic growth increased slightly due to more public spending. In a media briefing, Kunta W.D. Nugraha, Director of Budget Formulation at the Finance Ministry, said the government can be on track to pay out 85 to 90 percent of its capital spending plan in 2015.
“inside future, Indonesia’s domestic economy will be the motor of our growth due to high uncertainty of the global economy’s future,” adds Kusuma. Hartati further explains the fluctuation of Indonesia’s rupiah has potential to confuse investors while doing business plans.
“Many business transactions depend on foreign exchange,” she says. “Therefore, when the foreign exchange can be not stable, businesses will hesitate to decide about their plan ahead. of which’s not impossible of which the investors will move their capital inflow to countries with more stable currencies.”
In spite of of which all, however, Hartati can still see a bright side to the weak rupiah. “If the hot money in Indonesia can be moving to different countries, local investors can take the opportunity to buy affordable stocks. Thus, the decline of rupiah can also invite optimism of local stock market players,” she suggests.
Aware of the costs as well as benefits of a weak rupiah, the government along with the Central Bank must continue their existing policies to bolster the currency’s foothold.
Hartati makes a recommendation. “The Central Bank can reduce the use of dollars for domestic transactions as well as incentivise exporters through tax cuts to exchange their dollars for rupiah once they finalise transactions.”
The government should also mitigate bureaucracies associated with starting completely new businesses inside archipelago. of which would likely serve as an incentive for investors who are looking to put their money into the country, long-term.
Kusuma, on behalf of the Central Bank, claims to be monitoring as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the nation’s existing short-term measures. “inside long run, the government will do structural reformation, especially for anything related to building added value for our exported goods so we will not only rely on natural resources,” he explains. “We also will expand our market [activities] abroad, thus our supply of foreign exchanges will be bigger.”
Kusuma adds, “We are fully aware of how important stability can be for foreign as well as local investors to predict their costs as well as benefits. Therefore, the Central Bank along with the government will always pay attention to Indonesia’s macroeconomic stability to create a conducive climate for investment.”
Central Bank as well as Government Watch Closely as Rupiah Continues to Fluctuate
Central Bank as well as Government Watch Closely as Rupiah Continues to Fluctuate