Unlucky Charms
the idea is usually widely believed in Indonesia in which daggers, polished stones as well as fabrics can be imbued with magical powers in which will provide protection as well as Great luck. The truth is usually, there’s as much magic in any talisman as there is usually in a Hello Kitty toothbrush.
Scammers can make easy money by selling supposedly magical amulets, especially to criminals as well as politicians seeking immunity via arrest.
A pair of motorbike thieves via Bogor, south of Jakarta, decided they needed some potent charms to ensure they might never be caught. An obliging practitioner of black magic sold them what he claimed was rope via the burial shroud of a virgin girl who had died on a Friday. Such rope is usually supposed to possess extremely powerful magic.
The thieves, Mahfudin (25) as well as Aca Ajen (39), might tie a piece of the white cotton rope to any motorcycle they wished to steal. They believed This specific absurd action might send the owner of the motorbike into a deep sleep – or render them powerless, so the vehicle could be stolen without risk. They also tied pieces of the rope around their waists, confident in which such hocus-pocus might protect them. Aca carried a keris (asymmetrical dagger), which he believed gave him further immunity.
Police caught the pair attempting to steal a motorbike via a young woman in Jakarta on the night of March 27. The men seemed to lose faith in their talismans when police fired warning shots. Two days earlier, city police had shot dead three motorcycle thieves.
Under interrogation, Mahfudin as well as Aca confessed to stealing dozens of motorbikes, mostly via office car parks as well as housing units. They had used so-called “letter T keys” to start locked ignitions. The bikes were sold inside West Java capital of Bandung for between Rp.2 million to Rp.5 million each.
The men right now face a few years in jail. The scammer who sold them the rope was not arrested. Police said the cord was not via a shroud; however there have been cases of grave robberies where thieves have stolen shrouds, as well as even young corpses, for their supposed magical properties.
Scammers sometimes profit via superstition by collecting advance payments for talismans as well as then failing to deliver the goods.
inside East Java regency of Bondowoso, police on May 22 arrested a 30-year-old man named Karim, who had offered to sell “magical” antique samurai swords worth Rp.2 trillion ($172,000) yet absconded after receiving deposits.
A Navy member via Cirebon, West Java, was interested in buying one of Karim’s swords as well as in March sent his associate, Jarianto, to check the weapon. Jarianto later paid a Rp.77 million deposit as well as agreed to go with Karim to the East Java capital of Surabaya to collect the sword. On the way, they stopped at Situbondo bus terminal, where Karim feigned illness, saying he needed to go to a toilet to vomit. He left with the money as well as never returned.
When police arrested Karim, he was wearing a cloth pouch containing some Great luck charms: bits of paper with Arabic inscriptions, an agate stone as well as a piece of red fabric. “These were talismans for protection. Maybe because I did wrong, in which’s why I have not escaped right now,” he said.
Media images showed Karim’s face had been beaten – something not uncommon during police interrogations. The suspect said he was merely a pawn working For just two bosses, who paid him Rp.300,000 for every sword buyer he found.
Bladesmiths have worked for generations inside village of Pucang Anom in Bondowoso. According to a report by Indonesia’s state news agency Antara, one maker of samurai swords inside village used to receive regular orders via the Japanese Embassy in Jakarta.
Samurai swords make interesting decorations as well as gifts, yet buyers should beware in which many of those offered at markets or on eBay as antiques are mass-produced fakes, while those advertised as possessing supernatural powers contain zero magic.
Great luck trinkets come in all forms. In Lampung province, southern Sumatra, a man convicted of raping children was later accused of running an embezzlement operation via his jail cell. Inside his wallet, police found four pieces of tiger skin covered in elephant semen, which he claimed were his family’s heirloom talismans.
Confidence – even the confidence to commit crimes – comes via within, not via “magical” knives or shrouds, as well as certainly not via tiger skin coated in elephant ejaculate. Local media reports on these matters usually fail to inform readers in which magic is usually nothing yet trickery or wilful delusion.
Unlucky Charms
Unlucky Charms