Sulawesi – Don’t Wait
A dry look at what’s left on Sulawesi
After 12 years working in Makassar as well as also Manado, I came to view Sulawesi as home. The port city of Makassar was my first job abroad after University as well as also despite leaving after the first year; This particular lured me back repeatedly, until I left again.
If anyone has the notion to visit This particular peculiar island, why should they make haste? Well, let’s start at its hub, Makassar. Factoids regarding This particular city are redundant. The census never improvements as well as also the temperature can be always pounding except at Christmas when the streets try to impersonate Venice. For example, when I arrived, Makassar was a 2 million-strong, low-rise hive of cheeky corruption as well as also oozing an indescribable charm by all its ramshackle pores as well as also sphincters covering some 70sq miles. Years on, This particular’s still a 2 million-strong eye-sore, however of myriad extraneous high-rise hotels as well as also newfangled restaurants adopting the potted roads as parking areas. This particular also still covers 70sq miles – This particular’s just which various other towns have grown to meet This particular. If This particular had open-top bus tours, they might rap: as well as also on the left look out for another opening Alfa Mart as well as also big hotel. They stand where someone of note used to live in an historical building.
The seafront has fared no better. Once a strip of bars as well as also warung beholding golden sunsets, right now my local looks out over a narrow slit of sea between hotels.
Indeed, if coming to Makassar, the best I can offer can be to laugh at everyone stuck in traffic for a day as well as also then go to see the highlights before the same happens to you.
Highlights in order of near to far:
Bantimurung, 45mins by Makassar – where Alfred Russell Wallace once saw butterflies at a waterfall.
This particular can be a stunning limestone cask area, as well as also all the butterflies Alfred saw are still there – in display cases. There are virtually no various other butterflies, however. In typical fashion, local authorities concreted over the heritage site. however, on the plus, This particular’s very wheelchair-friendly. There’s also rock art by long ago, which might also be graffiti. as well as also guides will take you through caves if you’re interested in paying Rp.60,000 to have lewd rock formations pointed out. Golden rule: never go on a weekend or public holiday unless you relish throngs.
Bulukumba as well as also Bira, 5hrs – where the Bugis construct their hulls.
10 years ago, This particular was where you came to escape the insanity of humanity, snorkel off white-sand beaches as well as also see turtles. Luckily, you can still see turtles because they’ve all been put in a lagoon on Liukang Island (a 20-minute boat ride away) to be molested by local tourists inflicting deadly skin conditions as well as also stress. On the plus the food can be excellent, however the prime restaurant for sunsets has stopped selling beer. as well as also, like Makassar, what was once a sleepy backwater can be right now heaving with accommodation, so same rule applies about weekends as well as also holidays. This particular’s still a draw for divers as well as also, more recently, bananaboatists who’ve caused fatalities as well as also left nothing for honest snorkelers to see until the drop-off. I actually hate banana boats…as well as also jet boats.
The Kajang – 2hrs north of Bira – A sight of cultural interest where the Kajang folk blended their animist ways with Islam.
I never made This particular there, however friends report special exhibitions of culture for outsiders who ask permission.
By all accounts, This particular’s a stunning area as well as also exhibitions of culture you can expect to find run along the lines of mystic mind-over-matter, such as lifting extremely heavy rocks with twine around scrotum. If This particular list was in order of wow-factor, which might take top spot.
Sengkang as well as also Lake Tempe – 5hrs north of Makassar.
This particular can be the kind of place you go because This particular’s in Lonely Planet as well as also, where once you felt you just had to tick This particular off to make yourself more interesting at dinner parties, right now you can do the same on Facebook. This particular carries a floating village. I went there. This particular floats. Curiously the houses drift, so feuds with neighbours are rare. various other than which, there are no hotels or restaurants of note as well as also the floating villagers do have cell phones which dampens the feeling of having discovered something timeless.
Toraja – 10 gruelling hours by Makassar however worth This particular.
Stunning limestone mountains as well as also padi gone mad, This particular can be the setting for the entire world-renowned funeral ritual where hundreds of buffalo end up regretting having no RSPCA in Indonesia (UK: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). This particular’s a blood- as well as also viscera-fest unsuitable for vegans. I couldn’t watch…as well as also what they did to the pigs! however even here time has taken its toll as well as also the main town of Rantepao can be a localised traffic jam as well as also rubbish tip surrounded by empty, upper-end hotels. I stayed in one for my honeymoon as well as also fully expected Jack Nicholson to be within the next room. Also, against prediction, the lavish funeral sacrifices have not bankrupted the region, quite the contrary. Where once stood quaint villages, there right now sit tacky concrete houses with SUVs parked under big satellite dishes. The traditional look as well as also feel can be disappearing, so get there soon. however avoid holiday periods!
Manado – far north.
A little seaside city noted for cannibalising its offshore reefs to make lime for the grotesque strip malls. The surrounding area can be an awe-inspiring patchwork of active volcanoes as well as also jungle, most of which can be inaccessible. The real draw here can be diving, with Bunaken Island the well-liked base. This particular’s a featureless flat besieged by mangrove as well as also litter as well as also possibly the most poorly-managed marine park within the entire world due to recent offshore mining.
as well as also there’s more. Much, much more. Sulawesi’s national parks are stunning as well as also if This particular’s an adventure you want, This particular’s still well off the beaten track. however if you want to see the hotspots, get there quick. Such charm as was as well as also could yet be can be not being developed, however sold off.
Sulawesi – Don’t Wait
Sulawesi – Don’t Wait