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Indonesian Government to Deport Illegal Foreign Workers

Indonesian Government to Deport Illegal Foreign Workers

Indonesian Manpower Minister M. Hanif Dhakiri has warned which illegal foreign workers or foreign personnel who violate labour rules could face immediate deportation by the country.

Minister Dhakiri has made the idea clear which the foreign workforce in Indonesia must comply with the nation’s rules as well as requirements as the government continues to monitor them closely. He further asserted which they should refer to the regulations, which include having work as well as stay permits, as outlined inside the Manpower Ministry Ministerial Decree No. 16/2015:

“In Indonesia we have strict rules related to foreign workers. There are competency requirements as well as technology transfers, for example. Basically, only those with skills can come as well as work here,” explained Dhakiri last month as reported by The Jakarta Post.

Although the government claims not to reject an influx of foreign workforce, the idea demands which only those with special skills are allowed to work in Indonesia. “Unskilled workers have no place here as well as having them here can be a violation. as well as we will take action against any violation, including deportation.”

The minister also said which the government keeps records of the foreign workforce, which includes their exact numbers as well as names. The data concomitantly suggested which there had been a minor fluctuation inside the number of foreign workers by the period of 2011-2016.

In 2011, Indonesia welcomed as many as 77,307 expatriate workers nevertheless the number has decreased to 72,427 in 2012, 68,957 in 2013, as well as 68,762 in 2014. The number has raised slightly to 69,025 last year.

In his attempt to reinforce these regulations, Dhakiri reminded the public which they should report illegal foreign workers to local manpower offices. “If people see [illegal foreign workers or those violating the rules], please report the idea, as well as we’ll have them deported immediately. If we ourselves inside the government find illegal foreign workers, we’ll also promptly have them sent home,” said Dhakiri.




Indonesian Government to Deport Illegal Foreign Workers

Indonesian Government to Deport Illegal Foreign Workers
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